Fantastic Dan

I played Digimon World on and off at a friend's place when I was a kid. Eventually I got a bootleg copy, but my Digimon kept evolving almost exclusively into the poop/slime monster. I got frustrated and stopped playing, assuming the game was bugged.

I seem to remember that, at least amongst my friends, the consensus was that Digimon had the better cartoon and Pokemon had the better everything else.

The real sad thing is that Oliver's story is unlikely even to be seen by the people who are voting for Donald Trump, let alone influence them.

I kind of wish I'd never found out about EVs, IVs, natures and all the meta-game stuff. Actually, I guess I wish MMOs hadn't conditioned me to compulsively try to min-max in games. Even just getting the right natures makes the games way more a time-sink, but failing to do so always gives me this nagging sensation that

username comment synergy, etc.

That ain't gonna cut it; can someone spot me a quarter for the suicide booth?

I don't know that I've ever really wanted to 'ship anyone before, but I got into JoJo's Bizarre Adventure recently and boy did I ever want Joseph and Caesar to be a thing.
I mean, come on, who the fuck wouldn't 'ship these two?

I'm hoping they have some kick ass theater actors. I watched through DS9 recently and Avery Brooks was fucking incredible.

The Wii U and 3DS would both be great for it too! So would smartphones/tablets! If not for amiibos, I'd say that Nintendo practically hates making easy money.

*whispering* Is this where we come to talk about the new single? I honestly don't know if it's good or if I've just developed some kind of Stockholm syndrome for Death Grips.

I'm gonna get my liberal arts degree and write pop-culture critiques that are completely unintelligible to anyone that hasn't read Capitalism and Schizophrenia!

Yeah, I'm rather tired of crass Star Wars merchandising, but that trailer was actually pretty delightful.

I find it real tough to listen to much NIN nowadays, because I'm way too reminded of my angsty teenage self. For such a talented songwriter and producer, Reznor sure wrote some pretty dumb (and even for a guy in his 20s, hilariously juvenile) lyrics.

Few match the weirdness of Sonic fandom, however.

Read this comment and turned them on at roughly 1:35
"you tard predicted that the intent intent intent intent intent to endanger"

Well, I'm sure if someone hit all the right notes they could make a "knowing" Lifetime or SyFy movie with enough care and craft; kind of like what Black Dynamite was to blaxploitation films (not that blaxploitation films are "garbage"). I doubt either network gives enough of a shit for that to happen, mind you. Maybe

What exactly does it mean to "make America great again" anyways? Is it anything more than another empty slogan that anyone can project their hopes/values onto?

Personally I get why she's really popular, even if I don't care for her music, but I don't totally understand the accolades she seems to receive from critics.

Has she really made that much of an impact though? It sorta just seems to me that there was a gaping, Amy Winehouse-shaped, hole in pop music and Adele was able to swoop in with a watered-down substitute.