Fantastic Dan

Um, excuse me, it is a well known fact that the greatest album in the Iggy Pop canon is The Stooges' ferocious masterpiece Fun House.

I enjoyed seeing TFA at the time, but the more I think about the film, the more I feel like it was stupid as hell and nostalgia got the better of me.

Yah bro, those are some dank arrangements

"Bloody hell, it's Thom Yorke again. Just ignore him and he'll pass right through".

Yeah, there's been exactly one good romantic relationship portrayed throughout the Star Wars films and I could do without another one, entirely.

This went completely under my radar until yesterday, so I was pleasantly surprised to read about it. I listened to about half the record on Youtube and that was enough to convince me to just order it on vinyl and listen to it entirely when it arrives.

Hey you know what else is coming in May? A new Death Grips album.
Their last record was pretty darn good. I'd be willing to bet Bottomless Pit will also be pretty darn good.
There are few groups I love more than Death Grips, so I'm probably not going to listen to anything else for the remainder of the month.

So, like, are we gonna have any legendary pop stars left by the end of the year?

Given the general sonic trajectory of QotSA (and despite my enjoyment of …Like Clockwork), I wonder if Van Leeuwen missed monster riffage or something.

Anyone who dislikes Cheap Trick is a joyless bastard.

To some extent, yeah; especially their debut record. The Stooges' commitment to fucking shit up is a whole different kind of "youthful" than Weezer, though.
Also, I don't want to ever risk putting Fun House in a box; that album is just pure fire.

This is not something that has occurred to me before and now I don't know how I should feel about the fact that I find Krysten Ritter incredibly attractive.

I've gotten burnt out on just about every post-WoW RPG I've tried to play. Grinding is especially intolerable in single player games, where you can't just shoot the shit with friends/guildmates while you mindlessly complete fetch quests.

Shortly after the guitar kicked in I found myself thinking "this song would be a lot better with Johnny Marr providing layers upon layers of guitar tracks"

I can confirm that a lot of the characterization is pretty distinct to emigrants. Particularly the weird, overcompensating nationalism/traditionalism.

My 6th grade reading group read a number of books from the series. I seem to recall liking the books so much that I actually read ahead of the group.

That "like a damsel?" line is something I feel like I've seen in other trailers recently. Look, you can't just have the character act tough and say "I'm not a damsel in distress!" and then have them be a damsel in distress. You don't somehow get around it that way.

Oh snap, I haven't really paid much attention to Riot Fest in a few years, so I had no idea. I'll have to keep that in mind.

Uh, I don't seem to remember Riot Fest being free. NXNE, on the other hand, is (although I feel like the lineups have been kinda mediocre the past few years).

Brewster wearing a self-described “homemade fur bikini” while grinding and—