Fantastic Dan

I think most of us noticed.

It'll be like Watchmen, only with Trump instead of Nixon and, unfortunately, no glowing blue supermen hanging dong.

go on

I dunno, it might have been neat to see what the writers could do with the setting and characters if they set another season or two in a following summer and made a distinct and separate story. They could set it 2 or 3 years afterwards with Mabel and Dipper firmly in their teens or something? (that'd be particularly

Ugh, my iPod classic bit the dust maybe around a year or two ago and I couldn't find a place that had the part needed to fix it. I don't mind using my phone for music, but boy do I miss just having all of my albums on the go.

I dunno, I think being able to wield institutionally enforced power over others is a big part of the appeal of being a cop, so you'd think they'd wanna keep firearms in their hands while limiting the public's access. Basically "guns kill people, but in the hands of us responsible police officers they only kill bad

I keep hearing one of their singles on the radio and, while the beat's kinda cool, the lady singing just sounds super generic to me. It's like a computer ran POPSINGER.exe and she was randomly generated or something.

Up until recently I wasn't really familiar with much of Daft Punk's work outside of their bigger singles. For whatever reason I felt compelled to finally give Homework and Discovery a spin and was baffled by the fact that I'd never heard, nor heard anyone mention, Face to Face before. That track is fantastic; it's

For whatever reason, I initially misread the header as "Samurai L. Jackson" and now I'm disappointed.

I think you've probably touched on something here; the punk comparison is particulalry apt. Furthermore I'd say that they share a lot of thematic elements with a group like the Pistols (particularly their relentless nihilism) that don't play well to critics on a broader pop culture site such as this one and their

I feel like the collective music/entertainment press' love affair with Death Grips was pretty short-lived. It strikes me as kind of bizarre given how boundary-pushing the group is (which I think is pretty undeniable, regardless of how you feel about the actual quality of their music) and leads me to wonder whether the

I dunno if I like it more than The Money Store yet, but holy shit Jenny Death may be one of the most ferocious records I've ever heard and it is fantastic.

There were no Government Plates or Fashion Week reviews (nor NotM, but I suppose that's technically half of TPTB) so I wouldn't hold my breath. The No Love Deep Web review was shit anyways.


While I'm lukewarm on the callback, I'm going to have to disagree with you about interdimensional space turtle being unfunny the first time 'round.

The fact that he's working on Regular Show makes it a lot easier to cope with the decidedly infrequent Three Word Phrase updates.

I know you're right, but the kind of mindset these people must have is just completely foreign to me. I have pretty strong views and generally seek out like-minded voices, but I try to be as scrutinous as possible. D'Souza is not a reasonable conservative voice by any stretch of the imagination; you'd have to be a god

It seems like popular reactionary figures just pick random shit vaguely associated with left-wing thought as cause or evidence of America's imminent destruction. Glenn Beck and his cohorts' weird ass obsession with The Coming Insurrection is another good example of this phenomenon.

That book has a four and a half star rating.

Okay, so, for future reference "they can't be racist because their partner is a person of colour" is a fucking terrible argument.