Fantastic Dan

Do MRA doofuses actually use this label? I would have thought these reactionary dipshits would abhor the notion of adopting a moniker that so much as rhymes with "leninist". I mean, why would they risk their wholesome movement devoted to the contempt of women by risking association with commies?

For the record, I'm not saying those stereotypes are accurate, in case you got the impression that I was suggesting as much. I agree that some people hold weird, shall we say, prejudices(?) about vegetarians though; I generally make it a point not to chastise people about eating meat and most other vegetarians I've

I've never thought this song is nearly as awful as everyone says it is, although it is easily one of their weakest. That said it is pretty incredible how this track manages to reinforce negative stereotypes about vegetarians by being anemic, shallow and preachy.

For whatever reason, that brief clip of Killer Mike's voice instantly made the song way funnier to me.

I have conferred with the rest of humanity and can confirm that, yes, you are the only one who thinks RTJ1 is the better album.

Oh boy advertising!

They're misogynists. Mystery solved!

Man, it's like you throw down all of your straw men before you've even gotten into an argument. But, hey, way to stand up against caricaturesque leftists or whatever.

The hair really sucks for male characters, it seems to me. The long asymmetrical cut is the only one I really like at all.

I was originally going to go for a Dalish Inquisitor, but I couldn't make an elf that didn't look like a baby-faced twerp. Instead I opted for my human mage complete with a killer beard and ridiculous hair.

I haven't been playing Inquisition for too long now, but so far I vastly prefer the game's approach to decision-making over that of the Mass Effect series. I definitely think a lot more about the decisions I'm making in the game as opposed to picking the boy scout option every time it pops up for fear of being

The final reveal of Lucille as the mastermind felt really jarring and still seems pretty sudden in subsequent viewings. It really felt like they cut off a back half of that season that was supposed to slowly reveal her role in the family's illegal activities and instead they just had George say "oh yeah your mom was

Dennis Reynolds approved

I'm not sure I understood half of what you just said, but my bewilderment was largely derived from the outfit worn by the white girl upfront.

Seriously, I know it's usually kind of petty to make fun of actresses appearances and whatnot, but what the fuck.

I don't know that quality guests are really that frequent on his show. Even an episode with good guests can be arduous to watch given Maher's propensity for childishly dismissing any argument that fails to confirm his biases.

I think he called himself a libertarian ages ago, but in reality he's basically a beltway liberal democrat on most issues (albeit an exceptionally smug one). I think he might still be friends with some Cato doofuses though.

The Money Store is a ludicrously good record. I agree that what they've done subsequently hasn't been as compelling (I like NLDW a lot less than other people and I thought the second half of Government Plates was pretty forgettable), but based on the quality of NotM, Inanimate Sensations and now Fashion Week I'm really

I can understand your frustration in regards to the accolades surrounding Death Grips and Run the Jewels. I think both groups have clicked with a white male audience (of which I am a part) that maybe tuned out of hip hop in recent years by delivering pretty concise, direct and cathartic albums that flirt with rock,

This is such a great episode and, I think, something of a testament to the creative possibilities of animated television.