Fantastic Dan

Maybe that's true, I'm honestly not current enough on contemporary music in general to say for certain. I think, however, that the list of nominees is indicative of the fact that a lot of hip hop and rap that gets critically acclaimed and obsessed over by dorks like me is continuing to get weirder and more diverse and

I'm curious if RTJ2 would have been nominated if it had been released earlier. It's hard to gauge how popular they are as a nerd someone who discusses music mostly with other nerds people who are generally into alternative-ish music or amongst even bigger nerds online communities.

I'm going to go ahead and say that the latter reasoning is correct. I very much doubt that a high-level development studio working on a massive franchise is allowing technical issues to pass due to the "laziness" of it's employees.

Williams singin', Walken talkin'

Obama v. The Bible Belt

Wait, what kind of rock n' roll trickery is this then?


Despite not being that much of a standup comedy enthusiast, Stewart Lee is probably the artist I can most see myself following until one of us kicks it. He's consistently hilarious, undeniably intelligent and I absolutely admire his commitment to his chosen craft. I also live in a country where he's not particularly

I wouldn't be surprised if, in making a venn diagram of "Ayn Rand devotees" and "GamerGaters", you just wound up with a circle.

I actually had no idea that Mr. Pibb was a real beverage until now; I just assumed it was a brand they made up for the show. I am Canadian though, so maybe they just don't sell it up here.

It can be two things.

What's crazy to me about that is the fact that "the Islamic State" has a good three syllables on "ISIL" or "ISIS" (and even if you pronounce each letter individually it's still one less). Brevity people!

I'm fairly certain the reason western media went with ISIS as opposed to ISIL is because they didn't trust their audience to understand what the fuck the Levant is, nor did they wish to take any time away from pundits shouting at one another to explain it.

Criticizing someone who occupies one of the most elite positions in the god damn world for being an elitist is perhaps the most fucking asinine thing you can possibly do (not to mention hypocritical if you're writing for Bill Buckley's old rag).

I think this is what drives me nuts about people using the whole "not all cops are bad" line. All things considered, I have to question the motivations of someone who wants to be a cop.

Yeah, but if you're gonna make a movie out of them they gotta justify treating other human beings like dirt in the name of innovation or whatever.

Well Hollywood needs to meet their quota for genius-asshole-evangelizing biopics; you got an alternate asshole?

Even by 4chan standards that whole Vivian James nonsense is some inane bullshit.

CIA director John Brennan approaches JMPesq's desk and firmly places his hand on his subordinate's shoulder as a of sign of gratitude.

Those audience interview trailers where they basically just get a bunch of kids to say how awesome the movie was are a huge red flag for me. They also make me contemplate getting a vasectomy.