
Can it be the whole hand? Otherwise there’s a risk a person could learn to snap with different fingers.

Those aren’t drumsticks. That’s part of the wing. They just have the same shape as drumsticks.

There is nothing I can print that won’t be subject to Pinkham’s Law. If I printed “a customer came in and stabbed me in the face” I would get replies of “WELL MAYBE YOU DESERVED IT.”

Carla’s honeycomb ice cream story 😱😱😱😩😩😩

It continues to amaze me that some customers think that people who professionally make coffee drinks don’t know how to make coffee drinks. Like a barista doesn’t know how to make a cappuccino?

yeah and like, if men are soooo bad at reading social clues as they claim, then logically they shouldn’t be allowed to work jobs which rely on interpreting social clues, like oh I don’t know, police officers, therapists, etc.

It was interesting reading the comments in the Dowd piece. There were more than a few Republicans who said that if Biden were the Democratic nominee, they’d vote for him over any of the current Repub candidates.

He’s wanted to declare for a while, but he’s been Biden his time.

Even though I’m a younger person (re: “millennial” ) I don’t understand the weird aversion to handwriting that people can have. I can get not writing essays/reports by hand anymore, but what’s wrong with note taking by hand, or god forbid writing letters and notes to people. Parents (at least mine) LOOOOVE hand

Youngish person here (26) who has spent from age 7 on writing in cursive. In college, I was in a psychology class in a very large auditorium; I sat in the balcony that had stadium style seating so that the row behind me was slightly above my row. While sitting in the lecture and taking (handwritten) notes a man tapped

Maybe I don’t respect your bullshit enough to talk to you like an adult.

lololololol k, thanks for sharing the criteria one must meet in order to merit the privilege of you listening to what they have to say. esp in a workplace context, bc we all know you can just selectively pay attention there. trust, as someone well-versed in workplace sexism, this definitely isn’t some misogynistic

Here is this old guy that you might remember. He was kind of known for his voice; comedians made <i>careers</i> out of doing his voice. He’s the husband of one of the presidential candidates this election.

I guarantee that you have heard men use vocal fry. It’s not unique to women. We just learn, in our culture, to come up with reasons to dismiss women’s speech. And it’s hardly the case that saying “like” a lot and using uptalk are inherently bad habits. That would be making the same mistake as chastising women for not

You’ve heard them talk like that, you just didn’t register them as “sounding like that” because many of the negative associations we have with it are deeply gendered.

And yet no one accuses Ira Glass of sounding like a Kardashian.

Nope. This is something that BOTH men and women do. But ONLY women are penalized and criticized for it. It’s not because it “sounds terrible.” It’s because sexism.

I'm choosing to read "I said something" as "I set fire to his car in public, glorious fashion."

Wow, that kind of experiment is something REALLY important that should be shared with the mouse managers, even if they're temporary. Like having a 'Things You Need to Know When In Charge' kind of book. 'Double blind' doesn't mean 'no one else knows this is going on'!