I’m fine with staying in a hotel and have my own bathroom, shower, and privacy. I don’t understand why people want to use Airbnb. No thanks!
I’m fine with staying in a hotel and have my own bathroom, shower, and privacy. I don’t understand why people want to use Airbnb. No thanks!
I’d have named it “I Told You Dumb Motherfuckers”
I just want to say I am tired of how much shit this woman has gotten from the left too. I have an aquaitance and he LOVES LOVES to shit on her continously whenever we talk about politics. He has a complete inability to move on. He always brings up the election and losing was her fault and Bernie would have won and…
Guys, it can both be true that climate change is real, and will displace 10's millions of people, and untrue that you will literally be cooked to death in the climate of Costa Rica. As a scientist.... I just don’t know if this article is all that great, and I’m having a hard time parsing the true parts from the…
So relieved I chose not to have children. I can’t imagine what future generations are going to have to deal with.
“OK sure, what’s the worst that could happen?”
The joke is that there was news this morning that McGregor “agreed to terms with Dana White” on said fight and was reported by places like ESPN in a tone that suggested this was a major step in the fight happening, when in reality McGregor is already under contract with White and his having to agree to however many…
[Cornell and Roger Ailes sit in Charon’s barge, and open their complimentary meals.]
It’s bad enough DC gets sent assholes like McConnell and Cruz and Paul Ryan and Trump who make my city’s name synonymous with sleaze and corruption and something to be booed and mocked and invoked in halls as the “enemy” of “Good Americans” everywhere.
Wait. Peeling an avocado? What?
Counterpoint: Alien 3 is a misunderstood Fincher masterpiece that people hate because after the previous film it went back to its roots of atmosphere rather than guns, flamethrowers, and splosions, and Resurrection is a misunderstood Jeunet masterpiece that people hate because of...Winona Ryder?
Anyone else ask themselves “Exactly how many kids does Bristol Palin have now!?” And click link just to see? Who can keep track?
Karen Young - “One Tin Soldier (The Legend of Billy Jack)“
+1 leopard seal
I am an actual, factual, licensed architect.
Kushner looks like the victim Sam and Dean would talk to at the start of the episode and then find out at the half hour mark that he’s actually the monster of the week and then they spend five minutes killing him. Then they have a heartfelt boy moment and get back into Baby and drive off while Midnight Rider plays.