
I hated this episode from within the first five minutes. Almost everything that Simmons did essentially says that she's never been a SHIELD agent. The kinds of training that they get - regardless of their placement within the organization prior to its downfall - would have her handling this far, far better. What we

I did reviews of it this summer for my site, and as I recall it's set just a bit before ANH. Not by much, but the context of it was there; generally it's considered there's not a huge amount of time between ep 4 and 5. The Lando series is pre-Bespin and his comfort level with it in the film indicates he's been there

I'd say you could miss most of it, but would recommend the Lost Season that appeared on Netflix. Shorter and felt like it had more critical canon elements to it that should be seen in context with the movies.

We're getting those stories in the comics right now. Kanan's own ongoing series is doing some good stuff and there was a pretty fun and expansive Lando miniseries as well.

Check out the Kanan: Last Padawan comic series from Marvel. It's a fantastic piece overall that shows what happened to Kanan with the story here and the events afterward, and how he got his name. It's written by Weisman and is considered continuity. I really hope they don't animate it and leave it as a great piece for

I don't think he was either, but watch how Lucius reacts to him in that scene at first and you can see that the character viewed it that way.

Without Batman the cops would eventually just shoot him dead. Batman is who gets there to eventually stop him and send him away each time.

That's not what I said at all. It's just out of place for the character as we've known it. It doesn't fit with how alfred has been presented in quite a lot of different interpretations over the years. And for him to do so in front of Bruce, pushing him away so he can continue, is just awkward.

This was a breaking point episode within my household. I'm pretty much done reviewing it myself on my own site with this one. But the episode also pushed my significant other from wanting to watch it as it really feels more violent for an 8pm show than it should be. While there were bad/violent parts to the first

oh, but I expect gotham to get that desperate.

someone really wanted the team name to spell out SNEEZEGARD.

But it hews to the original character design in the comics, which his a positive. if it had been shorter it would have gotten called out on that.

Needs an H to become "ATCHU". surely we can squeeze that in there.

I figure we've got years of waiting before we find out the main Inhuman castings, which is unfortunate because I want to know Crystal, Medusa and Karnak now.

A difficulty with so much of what's on TV or film these days as it adapts material from elsewhere as opposed to original. and if we get original, it gets compared to other media.

SO relatable! At least internal screams…

Pepe is just awesome. I got to really love the character during his various Good Morning America appearances over the years where he stares at some of the women on the show and just has this lustful look, especially when he's next to Lara Spencer. He is a ladies man to be sure.

And if they made the show exactly like before in tone and style, they'd be berating it for not taking chances, updating for today's audiences, or just being too safe. It's a lose/lose kind of situation. so I'm glad they're doing their own thing with it and clearly enjoying finding their balance over the first batch of

Considering how badly Lash could have been done, it definitely was stronger than I expected and had a good sense of height and power to the physicality.

After disliking various aspects of the second season, particularly towards the end, I really enjoyed this episode and agree with the readers A- rating it has at the moment. I get the criticisms in the review about it, but it feels like it's again wanting it to be a different show than it is. If it followed traditional