
Spidey making $50 million over Monday through Thursday should be noted. It is summer and lots of people go midweek.

February; smack in the middle of black history month

Punisher, baby!

The problem is that you feel like the crap from the rest of the line is going to infect the small handful of good books there are. Which is why all I'm getting at this point are the Star Wars books since I know the other stuff won't infect those.

Someone wrote this review on the night shift…

That's cause batman doesn't do hugs! :)

So, everyone caught the Watchtower satellite reference, right? With components by Stagg and Queen?

Pretty much. which is why I was depressed as hell that Singer came back after matthew vaughn dropped out.

I couldn’t get over how awful the film was. utterly disrespectful of the characters in just about every way compared to who they were. Some had slivers of their original selves while others are changed so wholesale that it was just eyeroll inducing.

So, the Flash season finale will help rewrite this series completely, right? Since events there will change a whole host of interactions, Arrow could be quite the different show when it comes back - including the cast.

Here's hoping that by NOT using Scandal Savage that she can show up in either Arrow of Flash and get fleshed out a heck of a lot better.

Chopper is the jaded asshole of the group. The curmudgeon trickster type that almost every group has. He's essentially the same as some of the old clone troopers that showed up at the beginning of the season.

Boston via Route 2. You can't see any of it until you hit that final hill and you have everything before you. It'd be an amazing shot to see done like that with how it'd play out.

They did this with the Body Snatchers films as well; the 90's one was taking place at the same time as the original but was just filmed today. Part of the problem is that you're lookign for in-movie logic and continuity when you have to just accept that it won't happen. Both films take place at the same time "in a

Shout out for the Abrams requirement of the gas station being named Kelvin.

I absolutely adored this film. The first two acts are strong and I enjoyed all the performances and the design of it. I took my girlfriend to see it and she hadn't seen the original nor did I tell her anything about it. She saw the initial trailer and was so hooked that it surprised even me.

It basically felt like the light weight version of Enemy Mine. Some nice nods to the bigger picture and I'm glad Zeb got more material, but Kallus has been such a Keystone Cop for almost two seasons that it's hard to take him seriously here. The episode was predictable from the first minute long preview that came out

I love that Chopper seems to annoy people. Never read the Darth Vader series as the two main droids in there will likely sicken you (whereas I find them completely awesome). We've only had "safe" droids in the films so I'm rather glad to get more personality expansion, including droids that are dicks.

Any agent that goes into the field is given a wide range of training, more so for a spy agency like this one would think. The fact that she just sits there for thirteen hours and does so many ridiculous things is just that, ridiculous. We've seen pieces before of the kinds of training they all go through as agents, so

I wouldn't bother.