
Chef had the best line in asking if someone was cooking the pig. Beautifully setup and beautifully executed.

I continue to love the show. It's walking an interesting line that we don't often expect of most other shows and the fact that it dances gleefully on both sides confounds and frustrates so many because it's not adhering to "their" vision (or nostalgia vision) of the show.

I don't watch a lot of 8pm shows myself, mostly just sitcoms and Flash and Arrow, so I definitely felt that the violence level felt off in a way. I know there are NCIS shows on at that time but I tend to avoid cop/procedurals so I figure the scale has changed on that. But it's definitely part of the way this show is

At this point I feel like I'm just killing time watching this until Supergirl comes on so I can ditch it. I was a fair booster of the show in its first season, mostly because of the mafia material, but this season is just comically bad with its tone and approach. Yet it gets more praise because of it.

This is where I wish I could upvote twice.

I continue to enjoy the show but I so wish Dylan wasn't back. That boat sailed so long ago that it's just a drag now.

There are great villains they can use though, like Hugo Strange and others built into the fabric of the mythology that aren't powered or so significant but can be just as compelling. The use of the joker is something that I agree really does feel insulting.

It's all an elaborate ruse and one that I actually find the wrong way to go. There's a whole host of villains they can use without resorting to "aha, he really wasn't the joker after all!". In a lot of ways I think Barbara is the same in that she'll get killed off and then he'll meet the "real" Barbara. Or so I pray.

I wouldn't waste your time.

What a terrible, terrible show. Makes me glad I shifted from reviewing it to just listing out the worst aspects of it and leaving it at that. There have been many bad interpretations of these characters over the years, but the tone of the show is just wildly inconsistent, it's building a foundation for a show that

Completely agree. I liked the old school nature of what we had before. Felt distinctive in its own way.

Yeah, but this is Eph we're talking about. I'd also assume that his level of skill would preclude him from shooting him from up on high with greater winds between buildings as opposed to down a couple of stories. But this episode was just awful in general for so many reasons.

Totally agree on the way Travis reacted. I attribute some of it as I mention elsewhere to his schooling/teacher background and dealing with troubled kids and the like. Though it may make for awkward TV, there are a lot of people that will get right up in it in an attempt to calm down a situation, particularly one

They may get off the ship but they're still yelling at it from the shoreline.

I imagine that getting him at his office would be difficult though with underground garages and security. He needs to get him in a public setting. The problem is that while he wants him dead he needed patience to do it in order to ensure a one-shot and done deal. That's not Eph's style.

I think it's partially been accurate though, more so in that the two main people doing that "helpy" mode are Maddy and Travis, both of which are very involved teachers/administrators/counselors. They've been exposed to people/kids in bad situations for the bulk of their careers and work that angle as opposed to

I get the feeling they'll use the new credits to pad out the runtime a touch when needed, or when a commercial slot gets lost. More so for the repeat showings as opposed to the slightly padded first-run episodes where the pack in more commercials.

Like so many reviews here, I continue to find myself on opposite ends. I've enjoyed most of this season but this episode simply rubbed me the wrong way on a pretty regular basis. The lack of Kelly and Her Spider-Kids alone takes it down a notch. Little in the way of creepy, most of it perfunctory movements and not

It wasn't their dog? Unless I misread the scene I never saw them actually acknowledge it was there's as opposed to a neighbor's dog - i.e. Pete's - that they knew.

Much ilke the rest of the internet, Joan, much like the rest of the internet.