
I think a lot of the feedback I’ve heard about the strike is that it kind of creates a conflict of interest for women: of course, feminism/supporting fellow women is a huge priority for many of us, but we also pride ourselves on our professionalism and our integral roles in business/at home. I think it makes people

“Anthony says she’s often whispered about in bars”

There is an even greater negative aspect to this.

I live in an incredibly liberal city—our women’s march was huge and was incredible to be a part of. But for some reason I’ve heard no conversation in my communities about tomorrow—mission statements, planned marches, etc. I’m concerned that this effort will fall short of its promise of “A day without a woman”... it’ll

So let me get this straight. They go through weeks, months, and years of hard physical training in what is supposed to be the manliest of the manliest service branches - marching, sleep deprivation, hand-to-hand combat. They throw grenades, fire rocket launchers, and shoot all manner of weapons from pistols to heavy

This is why men shouldn’t be allowed in the military.

Hey, at least no one disrespected the troops by kneeling during the national anthem.

“Brennan tells the Marine Corps Times that there’s a ‘bounty on pictures of my daughter...It has been suggested that my wife should be raped as a result of this, and people are openly suggesting that I should be killed...Can you imagine being one of the victims?’”

I’ve been active duty military for ten years (not the Marines). This was an incredibly depressing story to see break today, but what actually gives me some hope is the strong, emphatic push back online from some male Marines that this is not who the Corps should be. People with real influence are starting to speak out

Unlikely that “cool down music” would be so loud that a screaming woman could not be heard for several minutes. If it was; everyone in that room would be deaf by the time they emerged from it.

No, sex is the real sin, because it makes you happy and it’s free.

And before that: the dude that invented the carrying case for a flute.

I googled ‘baguette bag’ but I think I ended up in the weird part of the internet again.

Also, eat less meat, dairy, and eggs. Meat production is incredibly bad for the environment and a huge waste of resources.

I thought “President Donald J. Trump” was one of the worst thing I could ever hear but “everlasting UTIs” looks like the new winner.

I don’t know what the fuck this dude is on about with “only a minor annoyance”. Yes, UTIs don’t, like, hospitalize you if you treat them in time, but it has to be the largest “degree of pain/seriousness of illness” ratio I’ve ever experienced.

Lord help us.

Month 2

I, uh, understand the map and the flashlight; the monkey intrigues me.