
I’m in a relationship with someone who is 4 years younger than me (he’s 29, I’m 33), and when we first started dating, we definitely had many a difficult conversation re: race (he’s white, I’m Latinx) and stuff related to #MeToo before #MeToo was a movement. Even those who profess wokeness tend not to fully understand

Mr. Spade’s remark that Kate “sounded happy” the day before she died prompted me to want to share. I have major depressive disorder and anxiety. I see my therapist and my psychiatric nurse practitioner on the reg. I take five medications daily, and I’m sitting in front of my light therapy box right now. Most of the

I think this is the most WTF part of the interview -

A NSFW card game is getting into a land war with an insane former reality show host who is now the President of the United States, and said President is possibly being blackmailed by a hostile foreign government with a pee tape. JFC.

Every time I tell myself “you’re not going to read the comments on Hillary Clinton posts or interviews. It will just piss you off.” Yet, here I am.

If anything, it’s the opposite. Women have breasts to feed babies, but it’s an evolutionary advantage for men to find women attractive and vice-versa. Add to that the sexualization of breasts over centuries to a ridiculous extent and you get to where we are today.

You don’t understand what cultural appropriation is then. Drinking tea is as much cultural appropriation as eating collard greens with the hamhock left in. Cultural appropriation is the phenomenon where a black girl can wear cornrows and be called ghetto but a white girl can wear cornrows and be cute. Its the

My comment isn’t fair, actually. Marie Antoinette had class and actually wasn’t the shallow spoiled tart society made her out to be. Linton tho...

I have a ‘cousin’ who is part of their group. I know he is a counter-protester. He and his boyfriend show up wherever they know a Nazi rally will be and they wear masks because they can be found online and they assault fucking Nazis. My cousin has been arrested 4 times since 2015, his boyfriend has been involved in

They’re playing a rigged game, and they wrote the rules. Either they win or you lose. 

Ummmmm... hate speech sure as hell is protected in the United States. Your right to call me a nigger is protected all day long by the first and fourteenth amendments. Only speech that poses an “imminent danger” is againt the law.

Antifa is a word that was made up last Thursday. Most of us had to look it up yesterday.

i do want their dicks. i want all their dicks. i want to cut off all their dicks.

...floating in a jar of formaldehyde.

Because, unlike 1861, the US military isn’t chocked full of officers and soldiers who are willing to form a confederate army.

random girls will want to have sex with you

Exceptional laziness.

So, I see a lot of misunderstanding relating to the term and the group in this thread and thought to clear it up a bit. Though I do not consider myself a part of the antifa nor did my history lessons cover it, based on my life experiences I do feel qualified to share what I know.

There are some asshole “antifa” groups in the NW who make turning peaceful protests violent their hobby— then they get conflated with “the left” by FOX News’ tv cameras, because they’re not just anti-fascist: they’re anti-capitalism, anti-corporation, to a violent, rock-throwing extreme. Apparently they are spreading

I think it’s a dumb sounding word too. The shorthand for Anti-Fascist is supposed to be American, and I hope we can make it true someday.