The so-called President is STILL losing the popular vote to Hillary.
The so-called President is STILL losing the popular vote to Hillary.
When Trump said he would create 25 million new jobs I bet no one thought they would all be working for the ACLU.
I know a lot of us were disappointed that we failed to convince the GOP to vote against DeVos and Sessions, but remember, this shit right here is why we need to keep fighting every damn day.
Reminds me of this classic:
I have no idea how my liver will survive. I literally wake up everyday, sit at the breakfast bar, open my IPad and look at my husband and say “what fresh hell will there be today?”
Following up on the Nordstrom & TJX brouhaha, the slimmest glimmer of hope:
Deal. Easy deal.
What the fuck is EASY D?!?
Today in a press conference, Sean Spicer said he hopes that Coretta Scott King “would support Senator Sessions’ nomination” if she were alive and that anyone who questions the success of the Yemen raid “owes an apology” to the Navy SEAL who died.
Trump seems to think that insulting foreign leaders is a great idea yet demands everyone else treats him with respect.
Wine. Whille I ruin my botox with worried grimaces and ponder how i can best contribute to the overthrow of our current government. I am a suburban white middle aged mother with a small business. If the GOP has lost people like me, all I can say is “better take cover, douchebags. When you lose everybody’s mom, you…
I’m almost at my internet limit for the day. This is all too much.
This is where the libertarian-leaning branch of the Republican party needs to speak up. Civil forfeiture is probably the closest thing we could legally get to “the government is gonna take all my guns!”
We can live beside the ocean
maybe it’s time to eat everything in my kitchen and then sleep for
6 hours.four years.
I’m weirdly grateful that these people are so bad at dog whistling. “I’m going to make crap tons of money off all you losers taking photos of me.” “I’m calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” At least we know exactly where they’re coming from, no matter how much damage control…
First ladies have often served to promote style and oftentimes their fashion, decorating, or diet choices have triggered big sales for designers or for nutritional movements. Jackie Kennedy (style and culture) Lady Bird Johnson (environmentalism) and Betty Ford (wellness) all come to mind. But not one ever cashed in…