
Take your star, damn you.

Trump must be bummed that he can’t enjoy watersports in the White House.

I want the Obamas to be happy.

I feel you, Mr. President. I wish I could jump out this bitch too.

Perhaps this has been covered here but since I don’t remember seeing it :

God I hope hes as miserable as we all think he is. I also hope he lives for many more years, and has to live with the shame hes brought on our country and on his stupid family name. I hope people still protest him and mock him long after his inevitable impeachment. I hope this fucker pays for the damage hes done.

So it never occurred to anyone to ask the White House staff how to turn on the lights?

He’s like an alien that doesn’t know how to human yet, and is getting very confused and frustrated.

University of Hawaii still has an envious marine science program. You can’t be right there with all that deep Pacific water and not try to study all the things.

Keanu is hot, was hot since Bill and Ted days, so I have no idea why they just discovered it. And I am not even going to hug it, 100/100 would do.

Some of us love new people slowly, after we’ve gotten to know them through work/MeetUps/sports/whatever. The Seattle freeze is real, but at least for me it’s cuz I’m shy like a shelter dog.

The lord works in mysterious ways

I guess you’re not a fan of the “I can stay, and change it from within” strategy? :P

Yeah we’re all angry dude. But tarring and feathering the defectors isn’t going to win us any new allies. Better to show support when someone crosses that line so we can encourage others to do the same rather than see them quietly go along with their crowd.

Don’t burn yourself on that take.

Leave it up to the women to have backbone and courage. White dudes, what’s good?????

“the face of Republicanism as it should be, but it won’t be any more.”

And this is why it was right for her to stay caucus leader. Because the other guy who ran against her to run the House Democratic Caucus was some Rep from Ohio who wants to cater to the “white working class” which means never saying anything that might dare to challenge those precious white working class people to

The way I’m seeing it, it’s predominantly women who are having all the balls in Washington D.C. these days.

Goddam. This lady has all the balls in Washington.