
Good for you.

I feel like you aren’t taking his economic anxiety seriously tho.

If you ever hear about me being arrested, and I think you will, it will be because they found me hiding naked in the Patriot’s locker room.

You can ask the United States about these kind of [white] people. You will see what happens.

which, by the way, is much less than what six journalists are facing for covering Inauguration Day protests

Man that’s a lot of economic anxiety.

Sorry but did she just kinddddd of reference Clueless??

Soon the Statue of Liberty will probably say

This is what happen with refugees, you let them in and 60 years later they come back to bitch about your President. Sad !

I hope Pareene apologizes to you ladies daily for his bullshit “don’t vote” recommendation.

My grandma died last February and I cried on election morning because she would have LOVED to vote for Hillary.

Party in the fort! But you should know a little about me beforehand...

Extremely accurate to my feelings so far.

So this is what it was like living through the worst parts of the Cold War, when people worried every day that they would die in nuclear hellfire.

Just so crazy, it might work.

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

I wish Mexico’s president just ghosted Trump instead of formally saying he wasnt coming

Breitbart youth and Fox News loyalists are running all facets of government. I’m going to hotbox my car until I pass out.

I think you’re giving America too much credit. I won’t be remotely surprised if he commits numerous impeachable offenses and congress refuses to impeach him. I won’t be remotely surprised if, even after the impeachable offenses are reported and brought to light, he gets re-elected for a second term by American voters