
My heart is broken by this. And I’m furious.


That is all

i’m so distracted i can’t get ANYTHING DONE. like, NOTHING. i keep flipping from NPR to FB to Jezebel and can’t stop. AUGH.

Remember to take action.

This is absolutely relevant. I think it’s confusing even among relatively woke white women as to what we should be doing a lot of the time. Is this where I sit down and shut up, or is this where I add my voice?

I work for an advocacy organization. We all went to the march, with our friends and our families.

I don’t see running for office in my own future, but at least all this talk is getting me to consider it. And it’s getting me excited to support women who do run locally (Gretchen Witmer for MI governor in 2018, woot!!)

It will need to be said A LOT in the next four years: Perfect is the enemy of good. That’s all I have to say about criticism of this weekend.

For fucks sakes.

There were a few times at the DC March when people started chanting Black Lives Matter and everyone joined in with the same enthusiasm as all the other chants. It was awesome!

I read the Tweetstorm the woman from Indigenize OU, and she brings up some very valid points about white people in the crowd wearing Redskins caps and not taking them seriously. Those criticisms are serious and do show that a lot of the people marching suffered from intersectional blindnesses that need to be pointed

“....the centering of white women in the media and amongst themselves. The notion that the need for protest has “just begun” with the election of Donald Trump, too, was deserving of critique, particularly considering A) the Black Lives Matter and Standing Rock movements of the past several years and B) the entire

I wish I could star this a million times.

Sames. Although having worked in the nonprofit sector for the last 15 years, I can say with confidence that having to rely on donors (private individuals, foundations, and/or corporate) for 100% of your revenue is a shit show.

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting would be privatized, while the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be eliminated entirely

Judge not, lest ye be defunded?

If a rich, mentally unstable yet incredibly talented megalomaniac isn’t traditionally American, what is?

That is everything I never knew I wanted.