I believe Herp-Derp is on the Trump family crest if I’m not mistaken.
I believe Herp-Derp is on the Trump family crest if I’m not mistaken.
a candidate so manifestly unpopular as HRC.
Wow... I bet all those “Never Hillary” morons are so glad that their vote didn’t count and Hillary won the election anyway...
Saw the tallies this morning. She was 50% to his 30%. So. Kinda like the real world. Thanks, Time, for being so on the nose!
I voted in this and last Friday Hillary Clinton was leading at 40% to Donald’s 19%. So once again the people vote overwhelmingly for Hillary and they give it to Drumpf.
Managing Editor Nancy Gibbs wrote that for some, Trump’s victory “represents a long-overdue rebuke to an entrenched and arrogant governing class;”
for the love of god could we please hit bottom!
I’m a recently retired college prof, and had quite a few students who wore a hijab and one young woman who wrote eloquently about her choice to wear the hijab and how irritated she became when people would patronize her with comments about how disempowering wearing the hijab must be for her.
My dad feels the same way about the walking down the aisle thing, he also said he is not “giving me away” because he doesn’t own me.
My thoughts exactly. And while I understand she may have felt she needed to deal with the devil on this point to ensure she remains in power it is so disappointing.
And the graphic design SUCKS.
If you want to reduce the number of abortions, give all women access to healthcare, birth control, and sex ed.
A feminist wants any woman to do whatever she wants to in her life as long as she doesn’t hurt anyone else. If a lady wants to wear a burka, let her.
What does a leaf with morning dew on it have to do with controlling a woman’s body?
“Women report a range of emotions after an abortion. This can include depression or thoughts of suicide. Some women, after their abortion, have also reported feelings of grief, anxiety, lowered self-esteem, regret, sexual dysfunction, avoidance of emotional attachment, flashbacks, and substance abuse. For some women,…
And unlike abortion, having a child is hardly a life-changing decision.
Fake news. Fake science. Fake tans and hair on PEOTUS. Where does it end?
Of course child birth is perfectly safe, never has any physical side effects or pain, and the process of having and raising a child never causes women to experience a “range of emotions.”
“We have a Senate that has refused to act on a Supreme Court vacancy”