You put way more thought into this call than Trump did, is the problem.
You put way more thought into this call than Trump did, is the problem.
Look, you’re right, but I think you’re whole “try me” schtick is misplaced here. The point of this isn’t about Taiwan, really. It’s about a president who has no fucking idea what he’s doing wading into extremely tricky international waters. And if you’re going to pretend that it’s in the best interest of ANYBODY - us,…
For me, none of this is about Taiwan/China — though that situation is extremely interesting in itself.
OK, now I support a recount.
All chaps are assless. That’s the point of chaps. If they had an ass they’d just be pants.
The rich know climate change is coming. They’re well-prepared for it. But boy is it a good tool to use to turn the masses against those “liberal elites” who want you to do heinous things like buy new light bulbs and stop throwing plastic, glass, paper, and metal in the garbage!
Black Elevator Guy legit looks like an uncle of mine and it’s the EXACT same look he gave one of my cousins over Thanksgiving when cousin admitted to voting for Trump. My uncle gave him THE LOOK for about 20 seconds, got up, filled his plate with second servings, grabbed an unopened bottle of whiskey from the table of…
See also: women who think women shouldn’t vote and/or work.
Imagine if you had to do shit like this to buy a gun. Imagine if you had to run a gauntlet of people screaming at you and throwing bloody doll parts at you and telling you that you were a murderer every time you went in a gun shop. Imagine if you had to bury a ceremonial coffin at your expense for the theoretical…
Keeping abortions and gun rights, but especially abortions, in voters’ faces is what keeps poor people and even middle class people who should know better voting for Republicans who make their lives worse. Thanks to the Afordable Care Act and free birth control, abortions are at an all time low. There is little reason…
This is really really stupid, and terrible. A lot of fetal remains in miscarriages are so small we can’t even really find them in pathology, let alone cremate or bury them. And if pathology is done, the remains are in formaldehyde and kept for X days (Depends on protocol of the facility) and then you have the little…
AHHHHH. This year sucks, HARD. I’m in Texas and will be calling, again. I hope they hate me from all the other calls I’ve made this month. Thanks for wasting our time and money on this bullshit. It’s not like there are more important things for you to be focusing on, Texas.
For a party that hates big government they sure do a lot of it.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fucking heartbreaking
I signed my relative’s name. He’s in jail.
it me.
Hey, but at least we kept that bitch Killary outta office, amirite folks?