I have spent an inordinate amount of time around drag queens and yes, he (or someone) is definitely contouring. In addition, his shit wardrobe, fat long tie and all, is designed to distract from how overweight he is.
I have spent an inordinate amount of time around drag queens and yes, he (or someone) is definitely contouring. In addition, his shit wardrobe, fat long tie and all, is designed to distract from how overweight he is.
If Trump doesn’t need Congress to appoint a SC Justice, then why hasn’t Obama filled Scalia’s empty seat yet? What is he waiting for? Many legitimate legal scholars have determined that the “advice and consent” clause of the Constitution does not mandate that the Senate hold hearings for Judge Garland, and most also…
The fuck is he on about? ”For every one new regulation, two old regulations will be eliminated (so important).” What kind of clown science is this? He really has NO IDEA what he’s doing, does he?
That’s what happens when you alienate the gays.
Even if clean coal existed, it’s expensive compared to natural gas ... so the coal jobs aren’t coming back unless natural gas becomes prohibitively expensive (which also creates a different economic problem).
Who feels comforted!?!11111111!!!!!!!!tg efuiwh
That heil photo is a beautiful example of Trump supporters being NOT the struggling working-class voter deserving of our “empathy”. We were in Ogunquit this weekend surrounded by loud, drunken, gun-toting Republicans who just happened to be filthy rich. On average Trump voters earn just a bit above the average voter.…
I love that I am “white hating” because I want to hang with people of different races and religions. I hated Neo-Nazis in the late 80's on the punk scene and I hate them just as much now. Take your racist shit and go move to a fucking island somewhere. Get out of my country.
“...Melania is extremely close to Baron,” the source told the Post, “and they have become closer during the campaign...”
Let’s be real: Melania has been keeping away from Donald’s white hose for a while now.
That imperative “APOLOGIZE!” and the end of Drumpf’s tweet just makes me want to scream: “FUCK YOU YOU’RE NOT MY REAL DAD!” then slam the door to my bedroom.
I explained shade to my parents and my dad said: “There’s a word for what your mom does?” He now rejoices in pointing out shade where he finds it. He’s extremely accurate.
I’d vote for a rip in the space and time continuum.
“Bush doesn’t care about black people.” -Kanye West, 2005.
It should be required that all Americans learn about the internment of Japanese Americans. In addition, we should also teach kids that even after shoving them into camps and treating them like scum, Japanese American men actually volunteered serve in the military to defend their country. The 442 Regiment fought in the…
Trump has already outlined what passes for his version of policy proposals during the campaign, and we already know exactly how those things would impact various government functions. What the people in these articles are doing (and I submitted one too) is simply taking Trump at his word and preparing for what that…
The best part of these letters is that, for the most part, they serve to show how deeply our public servants care about the cause for which they serve. These people are speaking anonymously and thus have little reason to lie, and what I get from reading these pieces is the terror that Trump will undo the work they’ve…
Obligatory comment petitioning for revival of I Thee Dread.