
Bathrobes are not a scam! They are so cozy and warm, which is great if you are waiting for your UberEats outside, or staying home sick, or just trying to summon up the willpower to leave your nice, warm bed for the sad, chilly realities of your basement apartment.

Listen, I’m going to take this as a sign that a long-cursed entity can defeat a racist mascot — and that it can happen twice in one week. Go Hubbies!

wait - what do you mean she lied about having pneumonia? is that a joke? didn’t she really have pneumonia?

I think this perception can be attributed, in part, to the fact that Clinton’s lies are calculated and sensible. Trump’s lies are so slapdash and clearly unprepared that they could seem like honesty to someone who isn’t looking closely.

The people who say Trump is honest don’t mean that Trump is honest because he

I think that a lot of it is based on the idea that news media should be free of bias, which — to some stations — means giving equal credence to both candidates.

As a caveat, bear in mind that the ABC News/WaPo poll is insane. Its first poll number, from about ten days ago, had Clinton up above Trump by 12 points in the four way race, which was certainly not true. Over the next eight days that dropped down to Trump leading by one.

This is a reflection of the media coverage for both candidates. Because Trump has demonstrably been more of a liar.

Someone painted, “pumpkin spice is people” outside my starbucks.

A lot of people are coming forward to call Hillary a cunt. I guess it’s satisfying to men to demean a woman who’s this close to becoming the next President of the United States. I doubt any of the previous 43 presidents have ever had to worry about getting called a cunt.


I don’t know......... All I see is White people on the cup!!!!

That is a lot of detail in packaging that is, for me at least, a very expensive laxative.

OK, so everyone on the cup is green except this one little exclusive enclave of white faces? Like a little gated community? And they’re all huddled in the center of the cup, like a spotlight shining on center stage? I guess Starbucks thinks the white ones are the only ones worth paying attention to.

No, my name is Duncan.

My sister saw Barbara Bush once at a Five Guys in Texas. Babs was followed by secret service, but she ordered for herself at the counter. Will ask my sister how tall Barbara was and update if/when she responds.

Reverse mermaid

It seems like in DC you get a lot of self-absorbent dudes who think they’re changing the world and you should be in awe of them for it

I went on a date with a guy in DC who asked me who I knew in the non-profit world (I work in museums) and then proceeded to tell me he wanted to start a non-profit that would end world hunger. Great, right? Then he told me he knew his org wouldn’t end world hunger because he would be assassinated by the “Seed Mafia”.

This sounds solidly like about 90% of my dates in DC.