
Good for you! I was not that lucky. I wish I had seen how arrogant my ex husband is when I married him but I had love-blinders on.

Hey, I have a theory: the type of intelligence that makes someone good at engineering is not the same type of intelligence that makes someone good at understanding social dynamics, and this is partially why a white, affluent, male engineer would struggle to understand his privilege and why certain attitudes are wrong.


I forgot about Matt! At least a dozen of them are named Matt.

I am currently enrolled in an MBA program and 3/4 of my classmates are 30-35 yr old white men named John, Mike or Tom and I CANNOT TELL THEM APART and it’s getting embarrassing because we’ve been in class together for 6 months and I cannot, with confidence, call any of them by their name.

HUH. I wonder if he saw this? I’ll share this with him. He’s done hours of internet research so maybe he found this recently and didn’t tell me. But thanks!! Good to know that they will take that as evidence.

Thank you!! This helps so much. And yeah I guess it’s 5 years, not 7. So my partner has to prove that he was in the US for 5 years before his kid was born... should be do-able!

You are EXACTLY the person I needed to hear from! This is so, so useful and makes a lot of sense.

OMG we would LOVE to just do a DNA test. It’s not an option.

This is slightly unrelated but I have a crazy story about my partner attempting to make his Mexican-born son a US citizen.

ME TOOOOO. We’ll make enough to pay it back, but adding a mortgage/kid(s) on top of it is a little daunting.

Haha thanks for the encouragement!

HUH. Are you an accountant? Or is this stuff that normal adults typically know and I am the worst?

Yeah it seems like it would genuinely help out a lot of people — and don’t get me wrong, I LOOOOOVE dumping on Ivanka. I really do.

But the deduction is capped at the average cost of childcare in the state, so it’s not going to cover the full expense of an expensive nanny, right? But I see your point that if I put my kid in a “good” daycare for 5 days a week, and someone else puts theirs in a shady one for 2 days a week, I’m getting a bigger tax

OH. Ok, that’s really helpful.

Wouldn’t this childcare tax credit help middle-income families, too? More needs to be done to help low-income families, for sure, but is it really accurate to say that this plan is “for” the rich?

Me too! I was just thinking about that movie yesterday. The last time I watched it, which was about one year ago, I was having a bad day. So I got my hands on a calzone and ate it while watching Contact. It was really nice and I would like to do that again.

I’m a little concerned. They were posting every few minutes and then... silence for the past ~hour.

But National Harbor itself is an over-developed, over-priced playground for wealthy Saudi tourists. So... actually I don’t know where I’m going with this.