
I like to think of her as Clint Howard’s niece...

Because he was totally the reason the movie made less money and not the fact that Batman v Superman was a heaping pile of manure. /s

Oh for fuck’s sake. Franken resigning does literally zero to the mid-term electoral calculus. If anything, it shows the Dems are at least willing to do something with their creeps, unlike the GOP.

it doesnt matter if it helps the democrats or not. it was the right thing to do.

The way women are treated by men in society needs to change. As a man who wants my society and nation to be as strong as possible I will support the political party that shows me they respect women. I won’t even consider a political party like the Republicans who empower pedophiles and predators. If the Democrats want

We didn’t destroy his career. His own actions destroyed his career. We’re saying that there are standards to which our elected officials should be held, and Franken has fallen short of those standards of his own volition.

Yes, and unfortunately, there are men and women in this country who think being a liberal is worse than being a pedophile.

I honestly believe this is the right decision. Yeah, he’s probably being railroaded to some degree, and yeah, there are far worse accusations against other senators and (sadly) soon-to-be-senators, and of course, the fucking president. But Democrats need to be on the right side of history here, and if that means

Republicans are evil pieces of shit who see sexual assault and pedophilia as a partisan issue. If you don’t vote against every Republican in 2018 you are betraying the United States of America and every single woman and child in your life.

Only if the human centipede is made up of women.

Alabama Republicans did a lot of soul searching with Roy Moore. But in the end, they were willing to open their hearts and forgive him for dating outside the family.

I think these women are saying they did Nazi this coming.

Angry racist white women upset their dating pool is limited to angry racist bitter white guys.

Worse, if Trump was a young black kid accused of selling a bag of weed, he couldn’t even afford to take out a full page ad in the NYT advocating for the Death Penalty for himself. Sad!

The fact that his DEFENSE for admitting to obstruction of justice was “I had my official legal counsel, the guy who represents me in court, write it” is hilarious. Truly a clown car of incompetence at best that wouldn’t bode well for him if we weren’t already in world of madness. If Trump were a young black kid

The ACA was subject to 47 public hearings and roundtables before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and another 53 before the Senate Finance Committee. It underwent a monthlong marking up in the bipartisan HELP Committee before being brought to the floor for a vote. There, it was debated for 25

What fools we were! Oh, if only all us here at the AV Club would’ve listened to your words of wisdom back whenever the fuck it is you’re talking about, America wouldn’t be in this mess right now!

Vote in every election you can. A shitty city council member can fuck your life over just as thoroughly as a shitty US president.

Oh shit - I’m watching the live feed of Cory Booker reading the whole thing out loud, page by page, slamming his palm on his desk repeatedly with frustration - I feel like I’m watching a man have a nervous breakdown!

Fuck the people who are doing this. Fuck everyone who is enabling them, and fuck everyone who has allowed it to happen through their own inaction or hand-wringing over emails and speeches. This was all avoidable. This didn’t have to be our reality. Fucking vote in 2018. Vote in 2020. Vote in 2022, Vote in 2024. If