
Here’s Hillary this morning as Mike Flynn enters the courthouse.

“This is impossible! This battle station is INVINCIBLE! A few rebel pests cannot possibly threaten our supremacy!”

Just the first Chekov Mueller’s list.

Trump did nazi that coming.

That “nothingburger” is starting to look like a pretty hearty meal.

yeah, I kinda figured he’d be Stalin for a better deal.

Well he sure was rushin to make a plea deal ...

My best friend’s wife is an attorney, and her reaction to this news was shock at how light the charge is to which he is pleading guilty. The implication being that Flynn has something highly valuable to leverage in exchange for a comparatively light charge.

This is the first outright negative review I’ve seen for this movie, and it kind of reads as though the reviewer is just holding a grudge against James Franco. So ... I’m still gonna go see it.

Im ok with double reviews of a niche film (even with a well known director) getting a second bout of attention during its actual release

Great video. Thanks for posting!

It’s funny, there was some discussion on one of the articles here about Justice Leagues score and super hero scores in general being boring lately. While not iconic like the John Williams Superman or Elfman Batman score, I think the Avengers main theme is recognizable and still works.

Ajit Pai is a fuckboy.

The non-morons among them are the ones we really need to fear.

“I have a great idea: Let’s try to fool a bunch of people whose job is to detect bullshit.”

It’s not shocking that they tried this, it is shocking they thought The Post wouldn’t see through such obvious bullshit. It’s like they actually believe the ‘fake news’ propaganda the right puts out. Hard to tell the true believers from the ones just running a bit.

I’m glad this is good. I really needed this to be good.

Yeah, there’s a shot of him about to sign his full name in one of the trailers. Smart money is on “Shortman.”

Totally agree. There’s other terrible experiences worth citing but hers stands out for me largely due to the massive success her projects have enjoyed in comparison to the doors that success has yet to open the same way it would for a man in a similar situation. Or, you know, like how Zach Snyder can fail his way into

I do, I just want evil things for evil Katie Cassidy, and for her to be happy!