
He won re-election by 11% percent though in a Republican wave.

They have one. Run candidates in almost every district. Based off 2017 it seems to be working great.

Gillibrand has no power to stop Moore. That’s up to the Republicans, and they won’t do anything about it.

And turn-out. I still expect Moore to win though, since Alabama is a real conservative hellhole.

At least he’s not a child killing democrat.

Republicans have officially re-backed Moore for the most part though since then. Don’t give them any credit, they have and always will be scumbags.

Delaying it till tomorrow. He wants to go down with the ship.

And in the senate by one whooping point. Only the governor can appoint a replacement though.

Who didn’t see that coming? Satire becoming reality further and further each day.

As long as Fox and Gracefilms keep making money, it’s not ending ever.

Trump is so very fucked, but we all knew that beforehand.

Well this was a good weekend. Saw a friend in Montpelier, went for some walks, and saw two films in the theaters. Couldn’t have asked for a better laid-back weekend really.

And now the Special Counsel’s probe has found illegal behavior stretching into the senior most levels of the White House. Bring them all down!

It’s fake news!!!... or not!

Oh c’mon. How studios market a film is always gonna be different. The Shape of Water’s marketing is fine. They’ve put trailers up on youtube and the likes. I’d say really the issue is whether audience will take to the film at this point or not.

The audience going to see Shape of Water doesn’t tend to go blockbusters, or at least it’s not in that same “vein”. It should do fine.

Now playing

My dad blasted this just into my room, and then I learned he had passed away. RIP!!!

Yeah, but it’s still weird to me. Guess I’m just used to most critics publishing their review after they see the film, and the embargo ends. From my recollection double reviews are actually very rare, but what do I know? Heh!

There’s already a bunch of Youtube trailers for The Shape of Water online, and this weekend it’s only opening in 2 theaters in New York anyway. It’s fine.

It’s a smaller produced film. They’re not giving it a big push in terms of advertisements, since it’s being given a limited release and then being expanded throughout the next few weeks. It should be fine.