Fancy Another Burner Sir Why Yes I Do Jeeves Thank You

The guy with the ‘stache was in a really good movie about a guy, (‘stache man) avenging his mentally or physically challenged brother (can’t remember which it was) who was bullied. Forget the name of it, but it was called something like... “shoes”... “something shoes”...

What are the odds of playing W3 to the end without encountering an immersion breaking bug of any sort?

Best I can do is 50 bucks.

Yes, but, you must inhale, Former President Bill Clinton. In-haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale...

“You’d might think smoking pot would dull one’s senses and slow down reaction time, making a player worse at video games that require intense concentration and snappy reflexes, but hey.”

I think you meant to say “wacked”. “Wacked off” means... something else.


If he did do it, I hope he gets the nickname Shitizen Kane.

So much for innocent until proven guilty.

Can you play this game without having played the first two?

A very good artist, just having one of those days where they just can’t nail down that one crucial element of the picture... I think we’ve all been there.

Not all white people need to be told. The one’s that do, should be.

Those who cannot do, teach. Those who cannot teach, critic.

The Good, The Bad And The Goron.

Yeah, it is a Skyline... but, that is sort of like bragging about being the 8th man on the Moon.

I am surprised she has not already won, because mother. Because woman. Is that not how all custody battles goÉ (É is supposed to be a question mark...) You automatically win custody because vagina, because womb, because breasts, because ovaries, because Fallopian tubes, because eggs, because cervix, because menstruatio

Fortunately, for women who cannot sneeze without peeing themselves, laugh without peeing themselves, fart without peeing themselves, do literally anything without peeing themselves...