Fancy Another Burner Sir Why Yes I Do Jeeves Thank You

I remind them women aren’t so different from men, because, hell, we’re all human.

The funny thing is, being right is relative. Always has been, always will be. Hate to break it to you, but the two of you aren’t so different.

The funny thing is, being right is relative. Always has been, always will be. Hate to break it to you, but the two of you aren’t so different.

The future belongs to women. Whatever the future means to you, whether it mean one year, 20, 100 or 100, the world is yours ladies.

I am trying to recall a video of two guys looking at a room with a black light, and the guy with the light shines it one his friend and he is positively glowing he is so covered in stuff. Can anyone remind me where I saw that

I am trying to recall a video of two guys looking at a room with a black light, and the guy with the light shines it

Men will always have going to the Moon riding a lawn chair strapped to a potato, calculator and rocket. When men and women eventually go to Mars, the technology will be so much more advanced, it’ll make the fact men went to the Moon on such technology all the more cool and astounding. Until women in the year 2149

I’ve been saying this for years. This makes me want to reciprocate. She is so absolutely, 100 % right.

What is that, a nozzle?

Ellen Page was on Trailer Park Boys. That will always be weird to me.


“Pagliacci, get your Pagliacci here!”

Holy crap, he looks like my dad. Weeeeeird.

I’ve been dying to play this, but I don’t have a current gen system. So, since I had a hankerin’ for some Bats, I replayed Arkham City. Great game. Gonna go for 100%, since I won’t have a PS4 anytime soon...

#notall ______.

Keg stands, bong hits, how unprotected sex leads to chlamydia...

Preferably at the Green Dragon.

Alan Lee, and I forget the other one.

Interesting fact, the Kama Sutra was only partially about sex. It was about a lot of things. Another interesting fact was how oral sex was frowned upon, but then devotes passages on how to perform it correctly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’m surprised he or she didn’t get hysterical blindness!