Fancia Pantalones

The voting thing is set federally, but the drinking age is actually done on a state-by-state basis. There used to be various ages, between 18-21.. Then, in the 80s, Reagan decided to accede to MADD, and told states they had to raise their drinking ages to 21 by a certain date (I think it was some time in 1983 or 84)

Holy shit this thread attracted some humorless fucks.

For what it’s worth, I totally got that you were talking about, for example, North Carolina’s general legislature passing HB2 to overturn Charlotte’s anti discrimination bill (i.e. The bathroom bill (though it's more than that)). But then again, my reading comprehension is very good, I don't jump the gun and attack


I read an interview once with a guy who runs men’s behaviour change programs. He said that without fail they would come in blaming their partner, saying “She just kept pushing my buttons and I lost control of my temper, I couldn’t help it.” And he would ask “So this anger problem that you have, do you ever get really

Personally, I hate speaking, and any time that I’m in a situation where I’m forced to speak with strangers or in front of a group, I use ‘but’ and ‘like’ almost as crutches (even though I know, I’m using them wrong).

I’m going to give the guy the benefit of the doubt.

There is nothing stupid about believing that trans people should be left alone and acknowledging that the reason behind the anti bathroom laws are based on strawmen, willful ignorance and the right-wing nutbags need to “fix” the marriage equality ruling by making up laws intended to harass people.

Yes, after being punched in the face, having his kids threatened, and being blindsided by a TV news crew he somehow managed to craft a statement designed to be substantially extrapolated by/ personally offend you.

Yeah, to me it reads like, “wtf why is this a thing, who even really cares.” Like he doesn’t know much about the transgender community but he also isn’t a dick about it. Any ignorance comes from lack of exposure, not a place of hate.

“The only thing that makes sense in my head at the the time was whole Obama thing with forcing transgenders to use bathrooms.”

Maybe you should become more familiar with the author, and the publication, and its overall style, before you go correcting.

To a psychopath like him, if he offers up an alternate explanation, then that’s good enough and everybody should believe it, no matter how flimsy it is. Because the only real, true belief he holds is that he should get to do what he wants with no consequences. Anything that contradicts this belief is, by definition,

He should marry the woman who is glad her mentally ill friend died because she was messy.

Haha, no, it’s appreciated. BPD gets so much easier with therapy, experience and age. And the BPD Tumblr community is honestly really great. But the whole “use value/ability to contribute” thing...That’s partly why this article hit me so hard. Had I read this 5-10 years ago it might have been the tipping point

You sound like a strong person and I bet your son had a great wonderful time with you there.

Same. My older brother has schizophrenia, is in his thirties, lives in my folks’ basement and I value his life. While I’m on it, I’m in my thirties, have depression and BPD and I hope to shit someone values my life, because most days it’s hard to stave off the “everyone is better off without me” voices.

THIS. This x 1000000. My best friend is battling through severe clinical depression and I can’t imagine anyone walking around thinking he were better off dead. Because I’d punch the shit out of that person.

This. My mom has bipolar disorder, and it’s infuriating how figurative that term’s become. Like, no, changing one’s mind often or being mercurial isn’t the same thing. At all. And it’s insulting to anyone that either suffers from the disorder or has a loved one that does to cheapen it that way.

“What would the rest of her life been like? She would have either been institutionalized or a major burden on her family. There was just no way she would have survived on her own.”

Exactly. I do think there is room to talk about the complex feelings that sometimes arise after a loved one with a severe mental illness commits suicide. A lot of people do feel some relief, and that is also often judged pretty harshly and really shouldn’t be. It’s not that different from nursing someone through a