Fancia Pantalones

It’s not. And I didn’t paste that quote to cast doubt on Heard but to point out that we can play the “dredge up old quotes to prove a point” game all day.

Hallelujah this is some truth right here. This should be the response to everyone who pops up in the comment sections to preach against AA. It’s free, (unlike rehab), accessible, and there are folks there whose life used to look like how yours looks now, or conversely, their lives look like what you want your life to

i personally think it’s a-okay if someone wants to find a non spiritual solution that works for them. AA def isnt for everyone. but i disagree that the program requires blaming yourself. also alcohol is not an all powerful deity that we are unable to resit. the whole point of the steps is that we are able to resist

Nothing “works” to keep someone sober. You work to be sober. There are tools that help. You know what doesn’t “work”? Not trying.

I’d like to let anyone reading this know that there are AA meetings across every town and country at every time of day. You don’t have to pay any money to attend a meeting or even give anyone your real name. All it costs you is an hour (sometimes an hour and a half) of your time.

I have a real beef with people who compare chicken slaughter with gorilla or, for that matter, dog slaughter. They’re just not the same thing. While in this case, I think they did the right thing putting the gorilla down, a gorilla is not a chicken. We have a special ethical duty to great apes, because we’re all great

Now playing

Teach a chicken sign language and we’ll talk.

I, too, am getting really fucking tired of being told how to feel about it from every goddamn angle of life. It’s like-guess what? I’m sad the gorilla died, I feel for the mother who was probably scared beyond belief and ALSO, I think she maybe screwed up some, plus I am able to see the rationale behind shooting the

I take your point, but chickens are bred for food and are not classed as critically endangered. This is an horrific loss for the breeding program of these beautiful intelligent creatures which will be felt all around the world. How on earth the child got into the enclosure really needs to be addressed. I feel for the

Wait, let me fix this for you, here....

I’m so tired of this story in every single way.

The focus is on teaching men not to rape because the majority of rapists of both male and female victims are men. That is why these stories get so much attention, because they are rarer than the alternative and notable as such.

I’ve worked in feminist anti-violence organizations for years, all of which take seriously the reality that men are victims too and face huge barriers to reporting, being believed, etc.

I got into a heated argument yesterday about situations like these. I was telling a male acquaintance about an idiot I dated who said if his 15 year old daughter was dating a man in his 30s he’d try to give the guy a chance because he’s “open minded” (that was the last time I saw that dude, obvs). That led male

Don’t get me wrong, this woman is disgusting, but what I can’t wrap my head around is the parents accepting their “relationship” which wasn’t a relationship it was sexual abuse.

Thank you. Not “relationship,” either. Predatory behavior and grooming. And fuck that fucking family.

Some helpful hints before you post that #notallmen comment!

The cops literally found him in a room next to the woman’s mutilated body. But I’m sure what his friends and family have to say about him will make us all feel better about what he did. /s

He’s not his defense attorney. He’s a divorce lawyer. He didn’t have to say anything at all. It feels gross, like he was angling to get his name in the news.

What's the point of a comment like this? You aren't the only one to do it, sometimes people make it about animals or gifs...but why? If the article bothers you so much that you can't comment on it, then why don't you just not comment? Why try to get attention for your feelings and your cake on an article about someone