Fancia Pantalones

Thank you for posting this, I'm frustrated that no one else is acknowledging it. This woman deserved a say, but her choice was taken from her by both the law AND her husband.

“While Carolyn [had] told him in the past that she wanted to die, she [had] never asked him specifically to kill her.”

It’s a sad story, but she also didn’t ask him to help kill her. This story is really weird because I am completely sympathetic to our shit-tier medical system (that we are finally fixing), but he didn’t get her consent to go through the act. That is a huge red flag for me and I am assume it will be for the prosecution

Assisted suicide here would be under conditions of economic coercion, and yes, I believe that is immoral. We need a find a way to make medication affordable to the people who need it.

Me too. and I live here. :( (OK i mean)

People need to realize we have one chance right now to shift the court left. The next few retirements are almost certain to be among the liberals. If Trump fills Scalia’s seat, and then, say, Ginsberg’s, we’ve lost the court for at least a generation. That is not worth sticking it to Hillary because reasons.

I think you’re right.


Good god, please tell me you know what she is referencing when she says “LA face with an Oakland booty.” Please, please, please. DON’T MAKE ME FEEL OLD.

Ruby Rose is channeling Kim Richards hard. Bad behavior + non-apology apology (“I’m sorry I threw you, One French Fry”) + excusing/sidestepping her inappropriate behavior (acting like a boor in a restaurant is NBD because we should all be applauding her sobriety). It's a spoiled, self-indulgent brat who throws food in

Also, it makes no sense. So, according to RR’s version, the bartender came to their table and offered free drinks to make up for slow service. Then Ruby politely (hah) says she’ll have something non-alcoholic, and he gets shirty and insists she be given something more expensive for free?

(Not going to put this well but) Just curious but if folks are abstaining from alcohol for whatever reason is it common or now common to say just “I am sober”? I have never heard it used before in this way and I have to be honest that if I was taking a drink order and you said I am sober I would wonder if I asked the

The local story is that they came in without reservations, were seated anyway, but warned that it would take a while to get food. According to the manager, they were pissed it took so long to get food and they were offered free drinks and comped appetizers. And then, after all that, she threw french fries at the

Yeah, it doesn’t make a lot of sense that he would be concerned enough with customer service to come over and offer free drinks as an apology for the wait, then immediately flip to “HAHAHA I’M GOING TO MOCK YOUR SOBRIETY, FUCK YOU.”

Agreed. I smell bullshit in her account of the incident. NOLA is a city dependent on tourist revenue to stay afloat...the bartenders there have dealt with more flaming asshole college kids and shit-faced Mardi Gras attendees than any other US city I can think of. They’re expected to have long fuses and immense

Ugh. Ruby Rose is just made of ugh. Also hey Ruby, call your sponsor, because you are throwing shit at people in bars and then making excuses about how they made you do it because mean words.

Yeah... just order a coke or something. Does she tell every server she is sober every time she goes to a restaurant? Cause the first thing they ask you for is the drink order... I wager he offered the simple gesture of a free round of drinks, and she responded with some flippant comment about her sobriety, and he was

Don’t throw food at your servers. Regardless of whether you like them or not, or they’re being shitty or not. They handle your food and drinks. It’s unwise and childish.

I’m sorry, but“cultural differences?” Is that her way of saying Americans are rude? Also, her version of events doesn’t make any sense. Why would someone, who survives on tips, just start attacking a customer for being sober? Especially after that person is offering free items to make up for slow service, clearly that

uhhh no, ruby, it’s never okay to throw things at a person. if you were so offended by his jokes (and i’m sober too, i know it’s important, but really there is nothing someone can say that is so horrific about it) you get up and leave. miss me with this BS excuse