Fancia Pantalones

One does not cancel the other out. Now instead of just smelling like smoke you smell like smoke and mediocre perfume. If you are the kind of smoker that only smokes outside you probably only need to vigorously wash your hands after a smoke anyway. If you smoke in your car and home you’re going to bother the people

^^ what you just described? THAT makes one a perfume drencher.

The body was discovered inside of a van, which in turn was found in a storage unit owned by Woo near Colorado Springs.

That’s interesting logic you use there. They used to charge for toilets and not urinals, so now that toilets are free, “people” pee in the street?

You realize this didn’t close down public toilets, right? It just meant they couldn’t charge for them. So it’s not like there used to be all these public toilets that are no longer there so your comment isn’t really applicable here. The issue of having adequate public toilets outside in public spaces is a separate

Yes, this is exactly how I feel about it. And if the spouse is really that awful, the potential cheater has a responsibility to end the relationship as cleanly as possible before getting involved with anyone else. If you start a romantic relationship with someone who can’t seem to break away from their spouse and

I’m not saying Rachel Roy deserves the brunt of the hate she’s getting or the men who (may or may not have—I know literally nothing about her) slept with her don’t deserve any blame, but sleeping with a married man is really, really fucked up. Why involve yourself in someone else’s relationship? Why add to the hurt of

No one was bothering or thinking about Roy until AFTER she made that comment. It’s like she wants to be seen as Beyonce’s long-standing romantic rival instead of just one of many women Jay Z’s cheated with.

It’s the fact that she inserted herself into the convo that makes her vile to me. I think I’ve actually got pretty accepting attitudes to infidelity — it’s an unfortunate fact of life that sometimes two people fall for each other and their original partners inevitably get hurt, so as long as you don’t lie for a long

I don’t see it that way. I see a lot of people giving Jay-Z shit too. However, I don’t think that the side piece gets a pass. (edited to add) Particularly BECAUSE she tried to insert herself into the conversation.

That sounds very sanctimonious. It’s actually ok to have rough patches in your marriage and reconcile and I don’t know one couple that could do it without their kids ever, ever knowing something was up.

Nah, takes two to play that game. Becky opened her mouth, hence all the shit heading her way.

#1- I didn’t say she trapped anybody, I’m talking about rumors from back in the day on a thread about RUMORS.

Least favorite Jay-Z cheating rumor?: that he’s hooked up with Gwyneth. Goop, please. She wishes.

Honestly, if there were a gossip item every time my husband and I had words... well I wouldn’t need to release a visual album is all I’m saying. Couples have spats. The idea that every argument is a divorce in the making is NON. SENSE.

What gets me about the Rachel Roy rumors is that it seems like more of a calculated Alpha move against Dame Dash than an unbridled sexual affair.

Right? I mean, Beyoncé even helpfully included a definitional clarification in her last surprise album —

Yes, because people who don’t give a fuck about something spend their time reading the article and commenting on how much they don’t give a fuck about it.

I didn’t say those things at all. You are free to not care about this piece of art, even though it’s obviously deeply meaningful to a lot of people.

...No. If Philip Roth was allowed to write the same fucking story over and over, about boring, ruthless men on navel-gazing quests for sexual fulfillment — and win prizes for it — and be called one of the greatest writers of his generation — I think we as a culture can afford Beyoncé space to take what is personal to h