Fancia Pantalones

Sure, but we can have a discussion about how bad the sexism is, both from men and the internalized sexism from women. I’m very confused about having access to the internet, where we can find out quite a lot about a candidate; including their votes, their positions, whether or not they got a drubbing in the 90s from

Wait, is your argument ACTUALLY that black voters in the south were uninformed? In THIS election cycle? I disagree. I think POC voted intelligently.

It kind of kills me that the reason she’s seen as such damaged goods is because of all the stuff that’s likely to happen when you get the overwhelming experience she has, which is what is required in today’s society of a female presidential candidate. Like in so many other fields, men can go far on promise and

I seriously think that a LOT of BS supporters - the BernieBros in particular but not only them - would find something to fault with any female candidate.

You shouldn’t question her feminism because she disavowed feminism long ago. She said:

Who was in Life magazine for a liberal rebuttal of a standing Senator’s speech at their college graduation, who got a job as part of the Watergate prosecution team straight out of law school? Are you guessing Bill? You’d be wrong. Sexism has some amazing blinders available- every accomplishment Hillary Rodham had was

So the fact that she went to law school, graduated with honors, has built a career (that she put on hold to support her husband in his own ambitions)...none of that matters because she comes from money and married a man who became president? She might've had a leg up but that doesn't mean she owes her entire career to

Did Hillary’s family have way more money than I am aware of? Nearly every successful person, every successful politician, has some edge they were able to leverage to give them the opportunity, whether it’s family money, connections, marrying someone who will support the family while they realize their ambitions. No

Sad that you aren’t equally vocal about the Sanders supporters who say African-Americans only vote for Hillary because they’re uninformed.

It’s not her support of Bernie Sanders that makes me question her feminism, but the fact that she chooses to define Clinton by her relationship to her father and her husband, rather than any actual merits or her own accomplishments.

I can imagine this being some sappy drama romance film starring Rachel McAdams and that Ensel Inglesnort where a young man meets a bright, independent, feisty lesbian who teaches him the real meaning of feminism love before he flunks out of school and loses a job at his father’s law office. I can see the trailer now...

So much this. I don’t know you sweatpants man! I don’t know if you are Good Guy with a Gun or Bad Guy with a Gun. All I know for sure is you are Jackass with a Gun and that makes me viscerally uncomfortable. The fact that your judgment says that a loaded gun in your sweatpants at 9:00 am on a Sunday at a Trader Joe’s

I too like to remember that criminal defendants are human beings. It helps when you’re trying to figure out whether that person can be rehabilitated, or if they need mental health services. And sometimes you have that moment of sympathy where you’re like “ooh, this asshole was abused his entire life and that’s why

He should be able to contemplate his pain while spending the 5 or so decades in prison.

He punched a 5 year old for being upset at seeing him shoot her sister dead right in front of her. His pain is pretty much bottom of the priority list here.

Yeah. Waving the gun around around and shifting blame are signs of him being an asshole with small penis issues. I could give a duck about his pain. What about the pain of his kids, discounting the one he killed, she’s gone, the one he tried to shift the blame to. That’s some tucked up whit to try to shift to a five

Is this an attempt to be progressive? Yes he feels pain. He also recklessly shot and killed his own kid and then abused another in his quest to not be blamed. So... what about his pain?

Yeah, I don’t care about that guys hurt fee-fees. He shot a toddler and was waving a loaded gun around in a room full of children. Then punched a 5 year old for crying and tried to frame her for the shooting. He gets NO consideration. Fuck that guy.

The part of the story that matters is that a child is dead by violence and her siblings witnessed it. Victims matter more than perpetrators, especially when they were powerless to change the outcome. Her name is Tahirah; his name should be forgotten.

When you take out your loaded gun with the fucking safety off and wave it around in a roomful of children, then any shooting that results is intentional.