Fancia Pantalones

Are these kids being sent to jail? Are they being blacklisted from future employment? Are they facing ANY consequences besides being roundly criticized? No? Then why are you defending them so hard? Who cares if people call them racist pieces of shit or just young and stupid?

There is nobody in 2016 who doesn't understand the n-word to mean "black person." Is it cool to use it in a speech?

Here it is everyone: The perfect summation of everything we’ve been alluding to. It includes all the words you need on your BernieBroBingo Card!

I’m not “faux” outraged. I’m sickened and disgusted for real. Calling a woman a whore is not okay, not in any context, but most especially not in light of a political/professional situation.

Ah. So, here’s a test. Go tell your wife, sister, girlfriend, or mom that she’s a whore. Or a female neighbor. Or just some random woman on the street. Don’t do it jokingly. Be serious. Then, tell me again how this is just a distraction from Sanders’ “truth.”

I would agree with you but this is just another moment in what is becoming a long pattern of behavior from the Sanders camps. This was a statement made in a prepared speech at a very well attended rally in the biggest city of our country. I’m having a really hard time believing that Song just went rogue and I’m having

She also introduced 8 pieces of legislation with the clear purpose of expanding and protecting reproductive rights. Sanders has a good voting record, so what?

Standing ovation. I am so sick of this “Hillary is basically Reagan in a wig!” shit. She’s voted with Bernie 93% percent of the time. She seems to truly prioritize women’s access to reproductive healthcare, which is basically my #1 issue when voting. Hell, she actively blocked the nomination of an FDA head over OTC

The point is that a lot of the stories out of Gawker have been incredibly biased towards Bernie. Which, I suppose, is fine. You folks have your own political opinions and you’re certainly entitled to promote your candidate. Just be upfront about it. I mean look at this article. You’re essentially telling us that the

If they were old enough to vote in any previous elections, everyone they voted for had the last name “Paul”.

No this is one of those situations where people are upset because a male politician called a female politician a whore. That is easy to see.

The thing is a lot of these Bernie bros, like Bernie himself, aren’t Democrats and wouldn’t normally vote for a Democrat. They’re the ones who tell you Obama is a war criminal and how there’s no difference between the two parties. They’re not bothered by things like reproductive rights, gay marriage, or getting thrown

No! You don’t understand! When a Hillary supporter at a Hillary gathering makes a possible racist comment, it is HUGELY IMPORTANT NEWS that means she is definitely a massive racist who hates minorities.

Unlike the MULTIPLE articles on Gawker about the very important topic of Hillary being adjacent to a stupid joke with racial undertones that she did not write, which was hard-hitting issues-based political coverage.

This comment is just ... ugh. It’s like there is a vacuum of self-awareness around Bernie and many of his supporters. And every time I hear someone say that women are only voting for Hillary because she’s a woman it makes me crazy. I am supporting Hillary Clinton because of her demonstrated leadership on women’s

Come on. Someone, tell me again that “Bernie Bros” don’t exist and how he and his followers aren’t misogynistic ass bags.

Cool thing of note. Paul Song’s wife is Lisa Ling. Lisa Ling’s sister was once kidnapped by North Korea. And you know who traveled to NK to secure her release? Bill fucking Clinton. Yep, the husband of the woman he just called a whore.

I’m wondering when people will see that so many Bernie fanatics are hateful, condescending, pretentious assholes who believe neither they nor Bernie can do any wrong whatsoever, ever ever Amen.

Oh okay see, I was actually really annoyed by his comment but can tell from your tone that I’m being an over-sensitive harpy bitch who is mos def. not cool like our Lord and Savior Bernie Sanders.

This isn’t nothing and it’s frustrating to have such a dismissive response about it from a blog that’s ostensibly feminist.