Fancia Pantalones

I always wondered if the Housewives played this awful shit up for the camera. Glad to know Bethany is a genuinely awful person and not faking it for my entertainment.

I was stunned when Frankel implied that women should have sex with men in exchange for capital. I was offended when she expressed some kind of kinship with black women because she’s “loud.” And I was taken aback when she advised those of us in the room to get business advice to hire a white man as the face of our

There is not a politician on earth who, if asked “can you be a feminist if you are pro-life” would not answer in the affirmative. It is a stupid question and a stupider answer, but it’s the only available one.

No, I said I don’t care about your opinions on this election, because you aren’t voting, you self-aggrandizing dolt.

Well, Elizabeth isn’t like those other girls. She’s a cool girl.

She was raised in a Republican household, and did work for civil rights as soon as she hit college. You are being ridiculous and petty. Were you out getting arrested at protests in 1963 or just watching on tv, big guy?

The Clintons are NOT why we don’t have a deep back bench of liberal legislators to draw on for national elections. It’s because idiotic pseudo-liberals can’t be arsed to vote in midterm and local elections in order to get those fucking liberals into office in the first goddamned place.

Hillary Clinton is hardly Margaret Thatcher. But they’re both women, so your point is totally valid, I guess. “This one time, England elected a woman and LOOK HOW THAT TURNED OUT, HUH?”

Yup. It actually makes me so mad I wrote a post on it:

Oh, trust me, I think she’s the strongest national political figure right now - but if she were actually laying out a platform, Bernie would be kicking her ass with “FREE COLLEGE! SINGLE PAYER!” Because no matter what you’re saying about reality, “WE CAN JUST GIVE YOU ALL THE THINGS NO MATTER WHAT” is always going to

He’s from Brooklyn and was meeting with The Daily News not the San Diego Union-Tribune. This is the kind of “Man of the people” v. “Out-of-touch Elitist” question they often ask.

So this is what it looks like when journalists finally start vetting Sanders, huh?

I think it’s inaccurate to say she isn’t liberal now. Is she as liberal as many people want her to be? No. But she’s definitely not right wing (beyond her warhawkish tendencies).

This is a really ridiculous position to take, and I think that even you know it. There is no one reading your comment who doesn’t know someone (or isn’t someone) who was exposed to new and different ideas in college that expanded or changed their worldview. Saying that the fact that she went with her father to

Jesus, give it a rest. She was 17 at the time. When you were 17 were you politically active? Oh, and you were exactly, totally the same as you were then. Plus, this was the 60's, kids didn’t have the freedom they have today.

I hope we at least see some apologies to the mothers who supported Hillary. BernieBros were being especially awful because they were African American women supporting Hillary. Don’t you know Bernie knows what’s best for us?

Yeah, Hillary supporters are definitely the ones with the volatile, unprecedentedly-crazed internet presence and the need to comment on anything the rival candidate does.

Not really. The article clearly points out that other notable police brutality victim’s family members have come out in support of Hillary. This is pretty much the same. It’s awesome that people have a stake in this and are participating proactively in democracy.

Nothing to go off of. I guess we just expect some apologies for when Hillary having mothers of gun shot victims campaign with her and was accused of pandering. Obv each of these people can support whatever candidate they want, but I remember Hillary being called a shrillary when she surrounded herself with black women

Meh, as a Hilary supporter I don't have a problem with this video...