Fancia Pantalones

I didn’t think I cold love Obama anymore than I did. God, I was wrong. And for whatever troll comes in here talking about cloth diapers, cleaning those gets expensive too. Money for the Laundromat, getting to the Laundromat, etc. ..

No kidding. A very simple, “hey, do you mind?” when people are talking will result into them standing up and screaming about how they paid for their ticket and can do whatever they want, and if you don’t like it you should go home and watch TV. And that’s just my sister’s reaction. (UGH.)

I’m with you. My husband and I love movies, but we don’t go to many in theaters right now unless it’s a kids’ movie. Or one of us will take our older child to PG-13 (and okay, I took him to see Fury Road, I admit). Otherwise we wait for disc or Netflix. Sometimes when you’re a parent, you just can’t. We’ve finagled it

Parent here and I could not agree more. I try very hard not to bring my kid to places where he will disrupt others (quiet restaurants, for example, because he's a toddler and toddlers are unpredictable). But also, why is your under 6 year old watching an R-rated movie? At the risk of pearl-clutching, I would argue

Sucks for parents who can’t find evening sitters.

I know a few of these parents are "FREEDOM MURRICA IF I WANNA TAKE MY 6 YEAR OLD TO AN R RATED MOVIE IT IS MY GOD AND FOUNDING FATHER GIVEN RIGHT TO" but the vast majority are idiots who don't understand how ratings work, right? Like the dumb parents who took their kids to see Deadpool " Cause little Billy LOVES them

“I’ve made a new person who is a little genetic mix of ME and some guy I sort of liked once.”

I think the worst thing about that is she took their son and her solution is to give HERSELF a kid. What.

That is such a rich douche response to killing someone because you drove drunk. "Oh I took a life, let me restore balance by bringing another one into the world who hopefully won't grow up to repeat my mistakes" and not "Let me donate my time and money into resources that make sure something like this never happens

Right? I want to call my Dad and be like ‘thank you for telling me everyday, especially by actions and not even words, that I could do absolutely anything I wanted and you would always stand behind me!” Thankfully, last year for his birthday I wrote him a long letter about that, and what a wonderful husband he is to

It’s like “Bad Reasons to Have a Child” bingo card. We are missing the “wanted to salvage the relationship” box since she said she didn’t want to share her life with him.

Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer. For real though, he strikes me as the type of man that tells women he doesn’t know to smile more. Probably followed by “Jesus loves you.”

I probably feel the same way as you do about this issue, but I doubt the discrepency between the genders is mostly due to men somehow being more just or sex positive. A lot of people disapprove of sex work period, and some people only approve of it because they’re consumers or potential consumers, rather than on moral

Super unpopular opinion- I really don’t like legalizing prostitution because of the commodification of (mostly) female bodies. I think if it was a small scale with women having total control over being paid for what they decide on, it would be different. But, it’s not. For the most part, when prostitution is legal,

Well, but there’s consenting to something because you want to have sex with people for money (and if you do, great! You do you!) and consenting to something because you’re poor, or uneducated, or feeding an addition, or whatever and it’s the only prospect you have for making money. Is that actually consent and is that

I wonder though if most of the women polled were looking at it from the perspective of “this mostly hurts women through coercive practices and trafficking and therefore it’s really bad” rather than “those slutwhores”. In which case, yeah, it makes sense that women would view it more unfavorably since we’re the ones

I also hate the idea of missionaries.but I don’t think his point was really about conversion but about how Muslims are kind good people and he had to use ho they treat the most annoying of Christians aka missionaries as an example. This was not a bad thing to say. He’s awful when it comes to many things but this

I’m curious where you live where missionaries no longer exist. My next door neighbors were Lutheran missionaries in Guatemala for a little over 10 years, 5 years ago. Religion is tricky and weird. In those years they taught women about birth control and what to do/take, in that aspect, how to advance laws in their

For fucks sake, as much of a scumbag he is, Marco Rubio has been the only person in this campaign who hasn’t likened Muslims to terrorists, killers of your children and rapists of your wives. Can we just fucking stop? He mentioned how much they contributed to our communal country. Christian, Muslim, whatever. Look, I

Sorry, JE, but that last line could just as well apply to this story. Rubio did not say he’s okay with Muslims only if they convert to Christianity. And his point about not pissing off moderate Muslims as a strategy against the fight with radical jihadists has been echoed by Hillary Clinton and the rest of the