Fancia Pantalones

The fact that you used the word “retarded” as an insult nullifies every single thing that you have ever said or thought.

“ one ever grabbed my shoulder and everyone was very nice FWIW”

“Law enforcement too found no credible evidence and refused to file charges. That didn’t help him a lot.” - “I think there is only one way to clear this up, file charges and let both sides have their day in court.” Which is it buddy? You’re just talking in circles and contradicting yourself. We get it, you will always

Your prusumption is that these institutions and employers would not have the same attitudes regarding the situation as this man teamates, and THAT is the reality. You put on your freshly ironed cape, I’m sure you’d hire him or nah?

Hey, look, an MRA troll who again demonstrates his ignorance.

Psst. He did have a chance to defend himself. If you care to read about the process, which I’m sure you really don’t.

He’s lucky to get away with an expulsion from school. No school expels a star athlete unless the evidence is pretty darn solid. He got to say his peace at the hearing. Unless there’s new evidence in the case that wasn’t presented in the original hearing, they don’t have to let him appeal it.

No appeal doesn’t mean he was muzzled through the process.

Let's just, like, any time someone wants to interview Caitlyn, they just go to the Wachowski sisters instead? Can we do that? For a better tomorrow?

“I don’t want her to grow up in a world where she is made to feel less-than for embracing everything it means to be a woman.”

No no no no, do not believe this for one single minute. This was the most choreographed event since last season’s Nutcracker ballet. Actions speak waaaay louder than words.

You think she actually wrote this? You really think she stands for anything besides mindless consumption and base hucksterism?

It always seems to come back around to my sex tape. Yes, a sex tape that was made 13 years ago. 13 YEARS AGO. Literally that lonnng ago. And people still want to talk about it?!?!

Except...she doesn’t show her flaws, nor does she accept herself the way she is, and neither does her husband.

Sheesh, no one is putting down virgins. It’s unlikely because hormones, emotions, puberty, mass media. It’s not impossible or necessarily weird and wrong, but it is unusual in this day and age, yeah.

Why would it be “highly unlikely”? Are women required to lose their virginity by a certain age to prove their worth or something?

I get that she's doing her thing, but I think her self-promotion, her family, and all those who support this reality TV phenomena, are hurting America. Seeing the rise of Donald Trump really bears that out.

Oh, you think I think she’s an awful human being because of her naked selfies. No, that’s not it at all. I think she’s an awful human being because of her greed for wealth and lack of empathy.

The best response was from some guy on Twitter who said if Kim really wants to shock everyone, she should post a picture of herself reading a book.

Do me a favor and tell all those women whose presence in your life you’ve used to excuse your opinions - tell all of those women what you just typed out. And see if they trust you ever again.