Fancia Pantalones

Forget about the absurdity of the concept. Can we talk about the fact that she turns the thermostat down to 5* C (41* F) and all she puts on is a fluffy pink sweater? That temperature is the opposite of sexy, she requires several more layers.

And here I was coming to post a comment that women who support Bernie are not traitors or against feminists or whatever, because it’s a personal choice. And I’m a Hillary support. But gee whiz thanks so much for categorizing me ahead of time.

It’s becoming a bigger problem because Hilary is seemingly encouraging this behavior though. At a Clinton rally today Madeleine Albright stood next to her on stage and said: “Just Remember: there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.” I mean, really?

I feel you. I was for Obama in 08 and felt like HRC supporters didn’t appreciate as a woman I wasn’t all rah rah for her. Now this time around, I like Bernie, but am leaning more for Hillary (her time as Sec. of State made me see her in a new light) but I HATE this sexism from both candidates followers. I really,

What does it matter? A knife isnt a damn gun. You can take down a person wielding a knife with pepper spray ffs

Kayden had a service dog specifically trained to redirect him during self-injurous behaviours and meltdowns, so I’m wondering about that whole “attacking them with a knife” thing. A cynical part of me thinks they might have shot the dog and then Kayden when he reacted to that.

Did he actually attack? A lot of people, autistic or not, will threaten people when they are afraid. Im not condoning the behaviour (I did it once and scared the crap out of some people but I learned to never do it again but not everyone learns that lesson in time). Iirc the article didn’t indicate anything besides a

Well, some portion of the problem is that many cops now are former military. Policing isn’t soldiering.

Unfortunately, non-lethal weapons aren’t always non-lethal. Weapons shouldn’t have been involved here at all. We need to stop training cops as soldiers and give them better training in de-escalating situations so that weapons aren’t necessary. I was a bouncer for 6 years, and I was the one of the few security

But that’s the thing - everyone is about to kill them, all the time, at least based on what they say every time they kill someone.

Cops are so not equipped to deal with mental illness. And that is in no way a defense of what they did. Cities need to start training them better. I would be afraid to call the police to help with a mentally ill loved one who was out of control.

Fearing for your safety isn’t a good enough reason to end a life, to me. It’s way too vague; it could mean the cops were afraid they’d get cut, maybe even need some stitches, or break a bone. But that’s part of police work, you might get cut or break a bone. The only time it should be acceptable to end a life is when

I really appreciate your reply. You sound far more progressive than the people I know in this field. Keep it up!

If you had a hint of self-awareness you’d have realized the painful irony, not to mention hypocrisy, of telling people it’s a waste of time to watch things they don’t like and complain about them—-as you read something you don’t like (and the comments on top of it) and complain about it. Your entire comment can be

Why don’t you focus on reading the articles you like? This comment is a waste of time. Let us talk about what we dislike in peace, and keep your criticism to yourself.

Yes! I just started watching this and it’s my new favorite!

One does not bandy a woman’s name, Morgan!

Stupidity, malice, more stupidity, more malice, and oh yeah, abhorrent selfishness.

I’m sure he would agree, however, that she still has oomph and that Morgan fellow is a cad for publicly referring to the details of a lady’s dress.

Bertie would never require a fainting couch, although he would be highly embarresed by discussion of a woman’s...attributes.