Fancia Pantalones

It reminds me of the miscarriages of justice in Britain in the 1970s. There was a wave of horrendous IRA bombing campaigns on soft targets like pubs - late or inadequate warnings phoned through beforehand, big explosions, lots of deaths and life-changing injuries and the attacks were hugely upsetting, like the Boston

No, (I’m assuming you’re Christian here) your privilege is that if you decided to dress in a religious way to go to court, that that “look” would be in line with a favorable reaction from the judge and jury. It’s not a “look” btw, it's his expression of his heightened religious beliefs.

Check your privilege before criticizing someone’s religious dress. Incarcerated people tend to rely on religion to comets terms with their situation.


Where’s that loafing layabout Encyclopedia Brown when you need him?

True - Mulder isn’t a character that is known for carefully stated meditations. Trying to suddenly place a carefully constructed description of the transgender experience in the scene could have come off as awkwardly as the shouted gay-denial protestations from that Seinfeld episode (“Not that there’s anything wrong

Agreed. I find this article to be a tad extra sensitive on the topic. Mulder is clearly not incredibly familiar with the topic and explaining it can be confusing and mildly uncomfortable to some. Especially in a fantastical sense to a very confused were-monster who’s somehow Australian. To the general public this can

It’s a show about monsters. I didn’t get that the writer was trying to draw a parallel between monster and trans* at all. Mulder fumbled his explanation and it felt appropriate. He’s a forty something year old cis guy that watches a shit ton of porn. He’s not going to get it 100% correct but he tried. The writer

You generalize too much. “These are the people with a 55" 4k tv.” So let me first call bullshit on that aspect of your argument.

And you really cannot understand why a normal human being - not a saint, a person - might decide that is way too stressful and dramatic and choose to laugh an uncomfortable situation off, distance herself, and never deal with that situation head-on with either party? Forgive me, but I did not then and do not now have

Thank you for your eloquent comment. I think we all want to believe that in an ideal world, our fellow women will help police men. In truth, women who experience uncomfortable behavior from married men are in a difficult social situation. Rather than holding women accountable for men’s misbehavior, I agree that we

Honestly, I’m really conflict averse. I’m much, much more comfortable having just shut down those inappropriate conversations and eliminating direct contact than issuing ultimatums and really involving myself. I don’t want to stir drama. I don’t want to discuss it with him or her. I don’t want to have anything to do

It is deliciously ironic (no that sounds like I like this) depressing as hell that you’re essentially tearing down a woman while telling her this is why women tear each other down. You are Taylor Swift trying to co-opt feminism to combat racist award shows after releasing Bad Blood.

I’m sorry that that happened to you. I would consider repeated unwelcome sexual advances to be abuse, personally. Sexual harassment at least. But you were there so you are the one who knows.

It’s not so much about being selfish as it is that I truly believe it is not my place to interfere. Perhaps that is cultural. But in my opinion, their marriage is private and not my business. Once he established a pattern of behavior, I made it impossible for him to contact me and determined that I would never stay

I don’t think you can lay the responsibility at the feet of your friends to open a gigantic, horrifying can of worms by telling you that your husband did X or Y potentially line-crossing thing. That is a monumental burden. I do not think it is my friends’ job to police my relationship. It is their job not to fuck him,

A man who probably likes fingers in his butt felt the need to tell millions of strangers that he doesn’t like fingers in his butt!! Yes, it’s officially comedy now.

Yes, and the things people consider options when they’re that crippled by anxiety aren’t automatically good options or the best course of action. I do some pretty unhealthy things to avoid one of my panic attack triggers. Her doctors were literally doing their job by offering some “pushback” before signing off on an

In defense of those doctors, an organ transplant is a really big deal and comes with lifelong consequences, and they were right to “pushback” and make sure CBT and all other options had been tried and failed before doing something that drastic. I really sympathize with this woman and have anxiety issues and a couple

For me the choice was to go on the injectible meds or die. I have a relatively common genetic blood clotting disorder, but I have the most severe form. The oral meds weren’t preventing clots well enough and it was a matter of time before I got (another) clot in my lung that would travel to my heart and kill me. I have