Fancia Pantalones

I think she’s confused and forgets that she has always been a rich, white girl.

What's disgusting about that? I don't get it. It's easily the least offensive thing in the ad.

I volunteer as tribute. I love Guy Fieri and I will not be kink shamed by you vanilla flavorless weirdos.

i think it’s really hard to see yourself as “the default.” when these guys see woman-specific support groups or black-specific support groups or black-woman-specific support groups they don’t see minority groups being given a voice, they see themselves being specifically excluded. they don’t see how they are the

Aw, I feel so smart and special now. Though maybe you’ve just been exposed to 0 insightful things today.

Yes. Telling feminists to just be nicer and maybe men will be on their side is dumb for so many reasons.

Here ya go: MANJACKING: “The phenomenon of men hijacking a conversation, hearing or forum about women’s rights and interjecting their opinions to make it all about them and their issues. “ Sweetie, this ain’t about you. It’s a discussion of misogyny in academia. Stop trying to make it about you and all those poor

Holy shit... is he Gaysplaining?!???

Utterly bizarre. Then again, I have heard of some gay men having contempt for women. Perhaps they have no reason to relate to them, so they dismiss them entirely and see opposite sex relationships as a manipulative power game. I find that sad, because apart from my boyfriend and brother, my closest male friends are

I’m an Anglo-Saxonist (and actually used to be active on Jezebel a few years ago, hi to those of you who are still here), and obviously have been following this since Frantzen’s blog post first came to light. Also obviously I have Feelings and Thoughts about Frantzen, mostly involving him walking around with a

Yes. For me “interested in evolutionary psychology” is a dogwhistle for MRA. A few years ago I tried reading some evo-psych stuff because I was curious about the development of PMS and menopause, but quickly I realized those people only seem to write about men’s “hardwired” sexual urges.

I hate with a fiery passion those two bros in Asheville. That Cut article was good, and shows they clearly have learned nothing. They are the epitome of what’s wrong in relationships between men and women.

I don’t have any idea what he even thinks he’s talking about. My partner loves me because he is a straight man. Loving his female partner is not a compromise on his part or a trick I am pulling on him. That isn’t “femfog.” That’s heterosexuality, emotional maturity, and the conscious choice to be monogamous.

In elaborating on the virtues of being/pitfalls of not being a GYB (grab your balls) Man, Franzen wrote:

What baffles me is why a gay man is telling straight men that not being nice to women is a good way to have sex with them. How would he know?

I’m always baffled how MRAs view sex as something women control for nefarious purposes, like it’s a physical shiny toy we’re holding just out of their reach. We aren’t hiding something that rightfully belongs to humanity in general; we simply want to control our own bodies.

This! This! This! I’m afraid it’s going to be especially bad in the STEM fields.

The old school sexist professor who says “sleep with me and I’ll give you an A” is evil and remains far more widespread than he ought to be. That said, I think the greatest and most pernicious new danger we face is the evolutionary psychology/biology bullshit young academic. The men who grew up weened on the internet

I love it when people act like treating each other like human beings is some huge inconvenience that requires a ton of their effort to comply to. Certainly there are issues that require a little knowledge and nuance, but 99% is just "treat other people as human beings." I think it says a lot about these people that

I refer to men who are shrouded in this fog as FUMs, fogged up men; other terms come to mind. They may might not be feminists but as they wander through the mist of politics and polemic about women, they feel like they should be feminists. They think feminism is good for everybody and they want to be nice to women.