Fancia Pantalones

That’s all fine. I love the fashion, Courtney, etc. But my immediate response is that I would like to see more real-life size models for this line.

as people use the term ‘due process’ all the time as shortcut, and not in legal sense.

was this really necessary to post?

I was being overly honest, I suppose I could have just included the positives, it would have served you much better, but my purposes were just to comment honestly how I felt, not to just hand out compliments, though I guess I did end up dong that anyways!

one of my abusers was a survivor of child abuse herself. she tells anyone who will listen that i was in the wrong, that she was just trying to raise me right, and anything else she can think of to justify her abuse.

most abused children don’t grow up to be abusive adults. most don’t grow up to be pedophiles. but

What the fuck does that mean? I’m sorry, but I don’t give a shit if he never made “contact”, possession of the pornography means that somebody violated a child to get it. Period. Looking at a child in this way makes a “user” just as much of an abuser.

Or worse yet - Joe Francis’s *understudy*.

She’s an asshole.

I completely agree. Apparently, though, the ad litem has reported that he agrees with the judge. It makes me wonder if he’s actually looking out for the kids’ best interests, or if he is more concerned about not rocking the boat. I read one of the transcripts, and even through the transcript a lot of what the judge

The dad has had ten lawyers. What do you want to assume about him? The mom has done a flawless job with the kids, they can’t find any grounds for calling her unfit. For her count, you are counting in the children’s attorneys and groups that assisted her as well. You are also, now that we have the evidence of this

The callous comments here have honestly chilled me to the bone.

Good call. Let's just kill living infants and compare them to puppies in the pound. Sounds legit. What is wrong with you? I am blown away by the comments on this post.

Well you can’t leave a dead body inside someone, they will also die. Or are you implying they should have killed that baby? I'm fairly certain killing live people is illegal. I am pro-abortion, but shit, you are advocating killing a baby at this point.

i’m infinity percent pro choice, but once the fetus is out and if it is alive, then yeah, they should treat the baby like any other premature baby—now some parents can choose for a very ill/injured/etc baby to receive only palliative care after birth, but for whatever reason, the baby was deemed able to survive out of

Please don’t put disabled animals (who by the way people would be horrified if they were euthanized just because they were missing a leg or needed daily meds) with a human baby. An abortion in the womb is one thing. She went in to premature labor and we now have a living baby. That's a different thing entirely, and a

I am also pro-choice, and I concur....once the baby is out and separate from the mother, it is it’s own person. and “finishing the abortion” (i.e. killing a newborn) should count as murder. The reason I am pro-choice is because a woman gets to determine what happens to her body, and I believe the baby counts as an

Honestly, some of the comments on this post are downright fucking chilling. I’m a passionately pro-choice person, but I also have known a few preemie kids in my life, born at 24, 25, 26 weeks. This is a little tiny baby in a terrible situation and I feel horribly for him AND his mother, who clearly is fighting a

Jesus fucking christ, “finish the abortion”? He’s a BABY. He was born ALIVE. And I am 1,000% pro-choice. But once you are born and viable, you are your own person with the right to a shot at life. My best friend has a 5 year old who was born at 26 weeks and weighed 1.5 pounds. He’s a fucking miracle. Shame on you.

Hey, absolutely not. The baby was alive, if sick. A preemie. DOC would be to help mom with hemorrhage and provide intensive care to the baby.

Not necessarily—a lot of these policies are designed specifically in ways that allow racist practices to continue (such as the disproportionately harsh punishment of children of color in schools) while offering seemingly “impartial” rationales so that they don’t look racist. Mentioning those policies isn’t necessarily