Fancia Pantalones

Attention all news outlets:

Almond farmers, growing 80% of the entire world’s almonds in the middle of the California desert.

Since they were also travelling from CA to Illinois, running outside to tell someone who’s quite literally just passing through never to darken the door of your hallowed DQ again is a spectacularly futile move. Archuleta would have no way of knowing that but still - add to that the fact that the local news reports that

Nope, sorry, definitely a myth, definitely 100% patriarchal garbage fed to you. No woman should experience pain/bleeding/tearing during first time sex.

No, you’re just spreading misinformation. There is no One True Way to have a first time. Posting the same pop-sexuality video over and over again doesn’t change that many girls have a different experience than yours, and that the reality of our experience isn’t a patriarchal myth nor the result of doing things wrong.

Nice to know that all those months of unbearable pain every time I tried to have sex was a myth. Reminds me of all the hippie mamas who swore labor didn’t hurt if you had the right mindset. Nope, both things fucking hurt, TYVM. (FYI: telling other women that their lived experiences are “patriarchal garbage” is being a

Me too and I was having a great time, so... these “never” statements about all women really chap my hide.

This isn’t just a myth. I had a great first time experience with tons of foreplay, no lube necessary and there was a few seconds of pain and there was blood. Mostly it was great though. But yeah, that did happen despite having a truly pleasurable time, so... check yourself. You’re not helping.

We don’t yet live in that utopia, and I’m with you entirely on how things need to change culture-wide.

I think the most pleasant part (for the employee anyway) is when she turned around and LEFT. Why in the world, when a customer you think is a “fucking bitch” leaves, would you chase after them to prolong the interaction? They’re gone, good riddance, tell them they’re no longer welcome in the store next time they show

and yet, this enlightened, feminist, well-self-explored, well-foreplayed, long-term-relationshipped virgin experienced plenty of pain. and it got better.

It is impossible to make sweeping generalizations about hymens, because they vary enormously from woman to woman.

Saying that the only people who have pain and bleeding during sex the first time are just “young and dumb and uninformed” is shaming them. You’re basically calling them an idiot because their anatomy isn’t the same as yours. And pain during sex after the first time is a completely different issue, which incidentally

Population control seems to be a solution eternally in search of a problem, and its proponents are almost always willing to ally themselves with really nasty people.

It’s not a myth, *at all.* It’s just not universal. Calling it a myth erases the experiences of a large portion of women, for whom losing their virginity involves a great deal of pain, tearing, and bleeding.

My impression is that your fiance is, well, asking you to throw a stick of dynamite over to your cousin/family on his behalf because of a massively bruised ego. You obviously became upset/disenchanted enough to leave him, even if temporarily, and a family member kind of rolled with it and maybe not only agreed with

My guess is that the writer told the cousin some home truths about her now-fiancée. Things she wants to pretend never happened. The very presence of her cousin no doubt reminds the letter writer of the very real doubts she may have lurking not far from the surface.

My fiancee knows about the conversation I had with her before our engagement and doesn’t want her involved in the wedding at all. Or really in our lives.

Overall, bride seems very immature. She admits that she let her anger at fiancé pile up without telling him, which led to a temporary breakup. She seems to be letting her irritation at the cousin fester as well, and by letting fiancé in on a conversation that happened while they were broken up (which isn’t fair to

I urged my bestie to break up with her boyfriend once because he was being controlling and douchey and not meeting her halfway (literally - they were long distance and he refused to visit her bc he didn’t like the city we lived in, so she spent a lot of time visiting him and not building relationships where we lived)