Fancia Pantalones

But he argued that scientific advancements have now verified that unborn babies are human beings — information he said wasn’t necessarily available when the Supreme Court issued its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.

Fraser, who would not know fun if it peed on her head

All right, that’s it, humanity. Get on the bus, you are going to day camp because you have clearly run out of things to do.

I’ve had quite a few cats, and they have all shown affection differently, but they have all universally shown affection. The dogs I’ve had have all been exactly the same: Happy barking, whining, jumping up, tail wagging, face licking. Maybe people who think cats aren’t affectionate just don’t understand that you need

I adore dogs, but I recently got my first cat (I have a long commute and it wouldn’t be fair to a dog).

“I acknowledge that students have been hurt by this decision and I regret that,” Chelsen said.

Hot Take: White dude complains that colored women are complaining about nothing.

This whole topic was covered beautifully by Douglas Adams in The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, with his explanation of the science of Bistromathics. Bistromathics is a complicated and powerful branch of maths that helps scientists perform remarkable feats because of its ability to render equations where the number

At what point does someone’s past no longer become an excuse for present behavior?

In cities like St. Louis, where I had the misfortune to live for many years, PP is one of very few providers that serves poor, low income Black women and gay men, these are the people who will end up getting screwed, of course. What is it with Republicans that only seem to care about Black babies when they’re in the

Stop. Just stop. You are woefully ill-informed.

Planned Parenthood has prevented more abortions than all of the pukes who are opposed to them put together.

Haha, I got really worked up about this! This was probably not the best article to read over my morning tea. I just expected there to be a comments section of people sharing stories about how they have compromised, or how they wish people would handle things, or expressing sympathy over too-hot or too-cold workspaces.

“You’re not designed to live in a warm climate.”

I do not understand you people. I truly cannot fathom how so many commenters think these temperatures are high. We just got our energy report from the electricity company telling us we are like in the top 5% when it comes to conserving energy. Our house is as leaky as a sieve but we set it at 82-84 and apparently

My mom would kill for us. She’s not perfect and sometimes her wires get crossed but she means well always. And in this case, I don’t know what to do without her.

After a particularly horrific breakup my mother was my rock. We were very close. One afternoon my emotionally abusive ex was a lunch with a date. I wasn’t at the restaurant but my mother and her friends were.

My little sister came home one day sobbing and said “my friend hung himself.” My mom patted her on the shoulder and said, “hanged.”