Fancia Pantalones

While I’m certain there is sexist hatred for Courtney, I also know the woman creates much of it for herself with her behavior toward other humans. Having had my business attacked by her personally for days on Twitter years ago, I can attest to just how crazy and MEAN she is. She bought some things from me, forgot she

But FYI, you can dislike Courtney Love without being sexist. She’s just a piece of work. I remember seeing an interview with her years ago where she went on and on about how much better of a musician she was than her husband. Even if that’s true, which, whatever, is not the point, who the fuck says that about their

The most disturbing part for me was Pete. There’s always a Pete. Pete’s the guy who knows that sort of behavior is wrong but he’s outnumbered and he refuses to break the Bro code, so he says nothing. The one guy you might think could and should have your back and maybe help you make some space for yourself will let

I'm going to start drawing my lips from my forehead to my nipples and no one can stop me.

Dear Kristin,

As the day sunk into evening and the sweltering heat abated, Pete pulled out his set of Monopoly cards to play together in the dining hut.

I always felt compelled to look at her pictures not because she is pretty but because there is something about her that I couldn't put my finger on. She always has a vacant expression, with unfocused eyes and her mouth hanging open. The 2 younger ones do the same thing and I could never figure out how to describe it

it’s amazing isn’t it

You don’t sound very nice.

Pro tip- if your takeaway from this awful story is to make it all about your own personal hurt might not actually be as “nice” as you think you are.

comes to the comment section of a story about a woman being attacked by a stranger to say fear of being attacked by a stranger is irrational

Still, his performance in The Fault in Our Stars wasn’t half-bad.

I think it's fine to copy a eulogy as long as you didn't murder the person you're reciting it for. I think that's what Ms. Manners says.

And that’s the problem. People need their neat narrative. The victim has to be the right kind of innocent and then match the political leanings of the beholder to earn sympathy, forget about justice. As horrible as she was, she did nothing to deserve having her face smashed to shit. The police deal with criminals,

Looking at her face and the fact that she didn’t even punch him?? Damn lack of compassion much??

I ll be the unpopular opinion here but is there some sort of magical twitter hashtag history book somewhere that one can go to and say “oh hey this was started by WOC to be awesome”. Because if not could we all get off “stupid white feminists” train?!

Off topic slightly but I feel bad for the guy in this meme. Like he’s a real person with his face spread all over the internet and people commenting on his appearance and shit.. idk I just think a meme like this is mean because it’s hurtful to the person. He’s maybe used to it by now but doesn’t make it less hurtful.

May I present one of my favourite Twitter People : Woman against Feminism

It’s the personification of Rand Paul’s id.