Fancia Pantalones

Except for the fact that said teenager and her dysfunctional family continuously throw themselves in everyone’s face with their constant self-promotion. Little chick wants to play in the big league she should be ready to take her lumps. If it was a dude I might think differently but this little girl wants to whore

I think that's the point-she shouldn't be spending any time with this kid. bad form on both parties to allow this baby to be included in any of the ugliness.

Yup apparently teaching him to say I love Kylie, if true that is fucked.

Although Kylie is still a minor, I don’t feel bad for her. She deserves all the clapbacks she gets from Chyna. Allegedly Kylie’s been teaching Chyna’s son King how to say her name which is really not okay. And Kim is fucked up for endorsing this relationship when her and Chyna used to be friends.

He didn’t just shove any old random object into his mouth like a toddler. He saw something he thought was a balloon and attempted to blow it up. I’ve known a lot of kids that age, and I think a lot of them would have done something similar. You can be taught “don’t put things in your mouth” and understand it, but not

Uh, he didn’t just stick something in his mouth. He thought it was a balloon - you know, a thing you blow up using your mouth. Putting a balloon in your mouth isn’t weird or developmentally delayed behavior. Was it not that bright to think it was a balloon? Sure, but the kid is 8. He’s probably not seen a condom

I really don’t understand this. Sometimes people are completely obtuse and try to wrap up victim blaming in “it’s not his fault, but...”, but you flat-out make it clear that you feel less bad for this child because he “shouldn’t have done it” according to you.

I see you’re one of the many people who operates under the conviction that saying something stupid enough times will eventually magically make it non-stupid.

Youre completely fixated on blaming the victim. It’s bizarre. Calm down.

He’s not orally exploring the world. Oral exploration is behaviour exhibited by babies and toddlers utilizing the high number of nerve endings in the mouth and tongue to gather information about the objects around them. He found what he thought was a toy and tried to play with it in the manner that said toy is meant

Wow. No. That’s not correct. No kid is weird for that. Kids do stuff like this all the time at varied ages. So, no kids of your own, but I see you fancy yourself an expert. Yeah. Each kid is different. You don’t have to be a parent to understand that, of course. You’d think a grown adult would know anyway, but ... I

I DO have kids and I have never not returned a cart, so I'm not sure that I understand what the problem is here. Then again where I live you have to pay to get a cart and you get your money back when you return it. Not going to give Superstore a loonie every time I buy food.

I definitely don’t have angels. Putting your cart away is just one of those things that you do as a considerate member of society even when it’s not convenient for you. I have plenty of shit that is difficult to do with a screaming kid but I don’t really have a choice. I live in a third floor walk up and have to make

I mean, kids do dumb stuff. And it’s not like he was putting any old random object in his mouth… he thought it was a balloon and he wanted to blow it up. Let’s blame the idiots who left a used condom on the ground, not the young child who didn’t know what it was.

Naw.... lock him up in solitary for the rest of his miserable life, and let’s never speak of him again. He’s abdicated any option of rehabilitation, due to his acts; there are things you never go back from. (I do think he was heavily influenced by his older brother, but bears responsibility nonetheless). To be ignored

I agree with you about the ‘what the fuck happened to get him to this point at such a tender age’ part. I’ve read some articles in newspapers about his totaly disfunctional family. No excuse for setting off bombs to kill and hurt people, and luckily most people with shitty childhoods don’t do such things, but I think

That’s exactly what I was thinking. This reads rebellious American teenager instead of jihadist. I keep going back and forth between “He’s a monster” and “He’s a kid” and I can’t really find a way to reconcile the two thoughts.

Yeah silent Dzhokhar who hears dismemberment testimony with a straight face and not blinking did more damage to his human image than being incarcerated and flipping off the camera.

This humanizes him more to me. I’d prefer him to keep acting like someone who lacks emotions please.

Seriously? You can't see the difference here?