Fancia Pantalones

If your kid can’t tell the difference between accepting a formal party invitation from a peer and climbing into a stranger danger, Criminal Minds van- you need to not let your kid outside by themselves ever.

You’re one of those parents of the year, aren’t you?

But making children go to events they don’t waaaaaanna- robs the special snowflakes of their agency.

So, are you arguing that it is impossible to care about violence towards animals and about police violence? Is it not possible to care about both? Someone cares about animals; therefore, they must not care enough about people?

It’s a bummer that you mistakenly feel like people can only care about one thing at a time AND that you think animals are merely some sort of Cartesian clockwork tool you can dispose of when they are no longer “useful.” I see your smug self-righteousness and raise you an “I think your callous disregard for life is

Oh please, this is not the same thing as ranching/farming families. She’s smiling with an animal she killed without reason.

I get it, but the email still makes me very uncomfortable. Judith Martin aka Miss Manners to the rescue! She says that if you don’t want to sound entitled and demanding and risk alienating your friends and family, then graciously accept the gifts (but don’t EVER expect people to give a gift, she doesn’t care what the

PHONE CALLS. I miss phone calls. 21st century communication, while excellent, sometimes leads to people seeming more asshole-ish than they really are. Not to mention - why sent this long-ass email (or better yet, long-ass text messages, uuuuugh) when you can CALL THEM and have the conversation in like, a minute.


Except that kidnapping by strangers is ridiculously rare. Also, the baby’s one — if he’s alone for long enough to go to a stranger anyhow, something already went wrong.

The key word is “gently.” I think it’s fine to be like, “Here’s some stuff we want, please don’t give us a bunch of extra stuff, our baby doesn’t need it!” Or to be like, “Please no gifts, our one-year-old is doing great, just bring your beautiful selves, thanks!” But to go on and on about it to the point where it’s

I mean it sounds a lot better than the real reason, “we can’t return personalized crap.”

“Clothing with names is the #1 thing that leads to kidnapping”

Show some empathy.

It doesn't sound like it's 90% your baggage though. His behavior is disrespectful to you. Doing that once or twice a year isn't that big of a deal, but regularly going out, staying out past midnight (especially when he said he'd be home earlier), during the week...IS a red flag.

Welcome to my pity party! I'm reading this with tears pouring, wishing I had a too-much-hair problem, when in fact, my situation is just the opposite. I'm learning exactly how vain I am these days because my hair is falling out. All of it. I sent a coworker a picture of the pile that came out in the shower yesterday.

I could see Brenda Song as Mulan if you were going for the funny angle. Wei Zhao already played Mulan in the Chinese live action version.

My initial thought was Courtney Stodden

Another commenter posted before about where we (long haired women) find hairs and I suddenly wondered: do the husbands of long haired women think that they've never had to vacuum their own hair or had it stuck somewhere unpleasant?

When my wife was bald and in chemo, I'd have given anything to have to deal with random hair around the house. When she first started chemo, it fell out in giant clumps, leaving a halo of her naturally blonde hair on her pillow and wherever she sat. Eventually, she asked me to shave her head and that was when it all

forgive me, but I can't really tell if the tone of this is joking or not. If it truly starts fights I feel like you need a better husband. I have hair like and beaver and I'm constantly shedding If Mr.Crunchy started a screaming match over the fact that my hair sheds like every humans does, I wouldn't put up with it