Fancia Pantalones

Did you guys like, go to a fancy restaurant and sing in parade, or what.

this is one I actually used. I was five years old, playing with my cousins at my Babcia's house. She was making dinner and was a terrible cook. When she called us in for dinner, I told her I couldn't eat because I was sick. She asked what was wrong, and I told her it was prostate cancer.

My husband's excuse for not putting away the dishes out of the dishwasher: "I don't know where they go."

Shailene Woodley is our new Goop.

I get that shailene is trying to be the hippie earth Kanyesque goddess of the millennials, what with her quirky media outburst and her sunshine vagina and her bug munching,

In his defense it is quite difficult to count past 6. You got that 7 and 8 stuff. Then 9 which is just 6 upside down. Personally, I refuse to believe 9 exists. I just skip to 10. Beyond that, who the fuck knows.

Oh good, I thought it was some dirty word from another language but I'm relieved my first instinct was right and it was just a horrible labored "joke."

It's more like, she had an attitude and didn't fawn over him, therefore he had no choice but to decide she must be a lesbian.

Our boys are Tuck and Buck 'cause we like to f*#@.

Lol, sorry you feel he screamed the wrong thing after having his skull rebounded off a sidewalk.

I'm just shocked that a 44-year-old actor/director playing a 42-year old who is "dating" a high school senior would try to seduce a teenager IRL!

MY cat looks like Faith...

In my opinion, the cat does resemble Elle McPherson.

"Kendall Rae Talbot was working at one of her four jobs when she noticed some commotion outside her new car on Marshall Street in Syracuse.

Honestly, if you (1) went to Syracuse, (2) played lacrosse, (3) looked like a douchy frat asshole, and (4) were named "Hayes McGinley," how could you not totally expect to get the Jesus Fucking Christ beat out of you at least once in your life by a guy named Big Jim Whitcomb.

Hey Sephora Person dot biz! What is the best way to get free samples in the store? I make a habit of buying online because I usually get a better offering of free samples but sometimes I can't really avoid it. I have been rebuffed by a few Sephora employees that I have asked samples from. Any tips?

You apparently didn't read any of the accompanying article. No one is pretending UVA is a status symbol, it's just a primarily white school in a primarily white area and for a young black man getting harassed by the police mentioning that you go there is part of a (usually futile) attempt to convince the racist pricks

The fact that your reaction to this story is to criticize the use of that phrase when harassed by a shopkeeper or dealing with a police officer (or after being handcuffed and beaten by one!) is bizarre to me and tiptoes right up to the line of victim-blaming. I refer you to my previous question...what is the proper

This gets at the heart of a major problem in US policing. Officers are taught that ANY form of noncompliance is resisting and a danger to them and the public at large. The idea is that they have to maintain control of the situation at all times or else they are in danger, so the instant someone doesn't do what they

of course, casein allergies do exist. similar to lactose allergies.