Fancia Pantalones

Right? I don't understand this defense at all. "I am a member of organizations that are well known for ridiculously high frequency of sexual assault against our own members, and we used to sing songs like this all the time!" That kind of proves the point, doesn't it?

Sign #2 that you're unfit to be reporting on anything: inability to tell fact from what you wish to be true.

Just sit down and like the vast majority of wannabe radio journalists tell us what you think of Internet cats and puppies because you're useless at analyzing anything objectively or removing your own biases.


"Reporters" like you are why crap reporting exists on matters like this.

Your spidey sense may tell you that he is interested in charging Jackie or ordering a club sandwich, but that's not a FACT. Your mind reading abilities aren't reportable facts, either.

And from a legal perspective you have ZERO support for your

You need to read what you are posting.

All of the organizations you listed have a huge problem with rape and sexual violence. I am sure it's true that most of you are perfectly lovely people- but let's not pretend there aren't huge problems with the culture that we are still struggling to address.

It's called email.

I see your point but you missed one thing in your analysis: the song advocates rape; it's not just misogynistic. What if I went to university and sung a song advocating lynching? I would expect to be scary to anyone who's felt threatened by lynching.

I think it's adorably naive of you to think that men in groups don't know that they can be intimidating. They use it to their advantage all the time.

Nice try attempting to strip all context from this. Context is fucking key.

Well aware of that. It's the backlash (like the Yik Yak posts) I find surprising. Sort of. Again, the administration probably should have seen this coming.

I think if their goal was conversation, they really should have been aware of how they might be perceived and approached her differently — sent her an email offering to have a conversation with a third party mediator, or just the captain could have come over, etc. But I will say that bit left a bad taste in my mouth

Their intention was to intimidate, and you goddamn fucking well know it. We all know these types of guys far too well for your bullshit to actually fly.

I was one of those girls in college. In retrospect, I was deeply insecure and super happy to be accepted as a "cool girl." I smiled along and basked in the male approval, feeling safe in my knowledge that I was better than those "other" girls - the ones who were too stuck up to sing, or the sluts, or the stupid

So you think the best way for them to approach her was in a group? Hmmm... a group of rapey athletes offering to "talk" with a feminist. Can't imagine why anyone would be suspicious of that....

Wait, wait, wait. This shit went down at former-women's-college, 65%-female-35%-male University of Mary Washington?

That was my initial thought, too. I am allergic to casein and have to be careful about what I eat or I turn into an itchy, swollen lipped mess.

We had a pretty diverse team racially/sexually, and everyone sang them. If people made you drink because you messed up a lyric, you felt more like you fit in or were accepted. We were playing a sport that's one of the few that has nothing to do with finesse or attractiveness, and there was a sense of just wanting to

Wow. That's a really good point, Charlie. You've really identified the issue at hand. Thanks for your thoughtful commentary.

Okay, so, I actually find it pretty frickin' weird that, after that long conversation with the customer trying to explain how heat works, in which the customer had asked about getting drinks iced, the barista didn't clarify whether or not the customer wanted it hot or iced. Yes, the customer was dumb, yes she should

Yah. Man... I had to actually check her age, and after being like 'WHOA, WAT???' at her being forty, I realised it's just that I'm mega old and 94 was a time I lived in and I'm in deep denial about everything ever.