Fancia Pantalones

Maybe she DOESN'T WANT THE BABY, even if she could keep it. Maybe she doesn't want a bunch of well-meaning people in her face trying to convince her not to do something she's DESPERATE TO DO during the hardest time of her life. How is that not obvious to people? She's desperate, she's ashamed, and apparently 1,400

Like, why can't we have all the options, ya know? Have the drop off (with NO prosecution, I might add) for the emergency situations. Address the resources issue. Address the...crap, I forget the world, but the "stop it before it happens" stuff. Do some education to address the giant, massive issues of sexism, racism

I am in a listicle mood today, so:

One time I asked this girl I knew to the senior prom.

"Very small orgy" = what? A threesome? Two pairs of swingers? Porn on the TV while you jack it?

"very small orgy"

A point you may be missing: Kylie Jenner also wore (faux) locs that night and Guiana was overtly complementary. So it's a bit more than she just thinks they're not meant for formal events... Kylie is beautiful and edgy; Zendaya smells.

I can read. You suggested it's ok if people don't like locs bc it's their preference, and that's in itself is not racist. I'm saying that you are stupid bc refuse you to understand that the statements made had nothing to do with preference. And no I don't get to decide who lives here, but I generally believe that the

you don't get it, thus you are stupid. It's not about preferring a style. It was a racist comment whether you refuse to acknowledge it or not. You clearly don't understand how racism works white woman. You live in NY, but you are still greatly lacking cultural awareness. People like you irritate me to no end. Also, it

Black women are telling you why it was offensive. Yet here you are, attempting to tell black women why they shouldn't be offended. Are you that fucking dim?

If Zendaya, a PoC, feels offended by some asshole's rude comment about her hair, it's not your job, the white person, to tell her she's wrong and think it's stupid. It's your job to understand why she felt offended and make sure you don't make your own idiotic comments to others.

Speaking of the vicar coming round, now's a good a time as any to bring up one of my other favorite BBC 90's era shows!

White people are the only ones unbiased enough to judge true racism, DUH. Why can't all you touchy brown people just stop being so uppity and let us much more qualified whites decide which racial insults you have a right to find offensive and hurtful?

They thought her wig smelled of patchouli and weed? That's what you're going with?

Oh, give me a break. You honestly think that it's not a big deal because it was extensions and not her real hair? She was insulting a hairstyle that is associated with the Black community. It doesn't matter if the hair grew out of her head of not.

Yeah, it's a bad joke not a hate crime. Sean Penn's green card joke was equally unfunny and clearly racially derived. It's now a nuclear meltdown and Kathy is not going to touch it for fear of having a Michael Richards moment. She'll let the dumb one take the heat until it blows over.


I don't still live at home, I had to move into my dad's place to take care of him. I'm used to living independently and I really wish I could wander naked everywhere again like I used to. Sorry, there's my rant.

That guy is an asshole and probably a sociopath. Who on Earth would think this is valid humour?