Fancia Pantalones

as a diabetic i need to count the carbs in that sugar syrup myself, so yeah, any changes could be a big deal.

I'd like to know why you say she is drunk? I've seen several interviews with Patricia Arquette over the span of her career and she always acts like she did in this short clip you've posted. What is the point of this "article" other than an attempt at making someone look bad? What is going on with Jezebel and

Other then her being a white feminist, do we have a reason to not give her the benefit of the doubt?

The thing is, what I'm getting from this reaction is not that people see it as a teachable moment. What I'm getting is OMG HOW DARE SHE NOT BE PERFECT. And I think it's important we acknowledge it's all a process; that not everybody has the time, resources or interest to phrase things in the most currently politically

what I don't get is why you and everyone else here assume she was only talking about straight white women? There have long been critiques by queer women about the sexism of queer men. There are plenty of queer men who benefit from the activism of women, but don't care about returning the favor when asked to support

I agree that she needs a little lesson on intersectionality (and so do a whole lot of people) but this click-baity outrage-fest Jezebel is promoting is starting to feel a little ridiculous. It's making me roll my eyes so hard I fear they'll fall out of my skull. CAN'T WE JUST ALL GET ALONG???

I absolutely get that she didn't articulate what she was saying well. The frustrating thing to me is exactly what you said "there are a lot of commenters for whom race completely blots out any chance of reasonable, feminist dialogue."

So....I think what she said wasn't really the best thing ever. Inappropriate, maybe a little tone deaf? But I will agree with you that the discourse about it here at Jez is crude and extremely unproductive. Almost gleeful in its outrage and malice. Also, please see: the abusive comments hurled at you in this thread.

Nah, fuck that noise.

I don't think at any point she called out POC or gays for not being good ally's. All she said was that women need their help in this fight, just like they needed(and still need, because the fight is ongoing) the help of women in their fight.

Here are a selection of comments from Jez on the matter:

That, kids, is called a strawman argument.

There have been so many replies in this article(and the other one where this was first brought up) about how terrible it is, and all the "white feminist" comments(which is apparently a disparaging term?

[don't kill me for taking this out of the greys]

This stuff just blows my mind.

What is wrong with you? Go have a cookie and relax. Geez.

Oh yeah, she totally said that right before giving her white power salute.

Except she didn't actually say any of that.

I believe the quote was "we have fought for everybody else's equal rights." She never said everyone else already has equal rights.

Now don't you feel bad for having been catty at this actress who was likely having the most anxiety ridden and extraordinary night of her life?