Fancia Pantalones

"Would be a vegetable" is wholly different than someone already in a vegetative state. Further, there is also a lot of room between brain dead and vegetative state.

so they placed a trach. Next a peg tube (permanent feeding tube in stomach)I'm sure. This is not a good thing at all IMO. Looks like they're going to let her be in a vegetative state indefinitely. Prob will be placed in a long term care facility. This makes me sad, and angry at the same time. I'm sorry BK, but you're

Sounds like it was inspired by The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, which was essentially Sherlock Holmes in Medieval Europe, also starring a monk solving a string of murders using the most advanced methods and logic of his time.

Also: If Oprah wants your job, Oprah's probably about to take your job. This goes for all of us.

The game is "Axis and Allies" and the rules are extremely difficult to explain. Sufficed to say, Mo'Nique played as the British and tried to go straight for the North Africa victory but obviously didn't count on Rommel.

Mo'Nique says that several major acting opportunities initially offered to her "all just went away" afterward. That includes a role in Empire (now a huge show for Fox) and the part in Lee Daniels' The Butler that Oprah Winfrey ended up playing. Mo'Nique was also supposed to play Richard Pryor's grandmother in a

I'm sorry, but as a lifelong SEC and Auburn Football fan, a graduate of another SEC school, and so on, I can reliably say that NOTHING is deemed more important than winning football games. Certainly not something that requires old white men to think about the harms of sexism and entitlement. Especially not something

Can I guess how many times you use the term "Social Justice Warrior" in a day? I'm taking 11, but in the triple digits if you're feeling internet chatty.

Honestly you wanna know where the "thank a vet" and the "vets can do no wrong" attitude comes from? A lot of the rhetoric was used in place of actual information leading up to the Iraq war post 9/11 (I'm sure you caught that amazing expose on what's wrong with the military in The Atlantic recently that discussed this

You know who has really great skin? Beck.

As the parent of someone with Schizophrenia my unscientific explanation of how to differentiate spiritual experiences from delusions is to determine whether or not the belief causes harm. When my son is psychotic he believes that everyone is out to get him and he makes very scary choices because he thinks he can't

Yeah, I agree. There's no doubt that they are in serious need of mental health treatment, but I'm leaning toward baby geniuses rather than lunatics. I said this in another comment, but I really would not be surprised to find out that the evidence they're presenting in court was all planted afterward (or even during)

She just hates it sometimes, because when I cook I go all out.

I really don't care WHERE people register, I just think people should make sure to register for items with a variety of prices-if everything you register for is $100 or more, i think that's kind of asshole-ish.

That won't be fixed by you asking her to marry you. Does she want to move to where you are? Do you want to move to where she is? Do you even want to date each other? Plan to move closer than 5000 miles, date, and THEN ask her to marry you. I understand that the visa issue is kinda sticky if you're not married, but

So no, not just for her.

I choose to believe that most couples are following convention rather than being greedy. Sure, we all know people we roll our eyes at when it comes to this kind of thing, but making a registry for a wedding doesn't make a couple greedy.

I'm curious what she registered for. Was it make-up, clothing, jewelry, stuff like that? Because if it was typical registry items— cookware, dishes, etc.— then if she shares the food she cooks with you, I can assure you that stuff wasn't just for her.

Well you're really behind the times then, and luckily not representative of most people I've run into at weddings.

Ehh... I think it's advice to heed if you don't want people complaining about your wedding. If people find your registry greedy or tacky, they WILL talk. But if you don't mind that, more power to you. It's true no one is forcing anyone to buy something off the list (of course, that means they may go off-list out of