Fancia Pantalones

Hmmm, don't even the military get to refuse to follow illegal orders from their superiors?

I am close to an officer that regularly sits/supervises inmates within hospitals.

thank you kind stranger.

No I totally agree. I don't think she freezes her out. I think she is probably basically civil and nice enough, which is why photos of them look like two acquaintances instead of two girlfriends caught in the middle of an actual conversation—because that's the level on which she's keeping it. And I honestly don't

Um.... okay, no. So imagine if you were not born into riches, and worked really hard all your life and endured a whole lot of bullshit from your stage parents, and didn't have a normal teenager-hood because you were driven and your entire family was driven to make you a success. Your entire life has been about working

ETA: It may may "simple", according to you, but really, the only pertinent things I gleaned from your comments are:

OK, so the cafeteria offers chocolate milk for sale to employees, but you think it's some sort of test? Those employees who buy it are knocked off the promotion list?

And that's why they retreat into that mindset, 'I'm a real gamer', because they cant handle not being special, not having a big piece of a little pie. Instead its a huge pie that everyone can share together, but they act like their part of the pie is the only 'real' pie.

You never endorsed it but you talk like she is getting what she deserved. Which just isn't true. And do you really know he was innocent in all of this? I mean its quite possible he was but again we don't know their relationship. We saw a snapshot of a really difficult time for both of them. Which should have never

And what's the special nickname for people who jump in to defend any random man even when he doesn't deserve it, before all the facts are in and/or ignoring any grey areas? Gamergater?

Close, but not quite. Zoe's ex found out she cheated on him with a guy who writes over at Kotaku, and made it a huge point to mention that said man works at a gaming journalism site. From there it spiraled out into people claiming she slept with the guy for positive reviews, which was literally false.

1. Of course its the wife's business. Don't try to make me sound like an asshole. It is implied that it is the business of anyone directly impacted by the situation.

Dude, so fucking what? I'm supposed to be angry that someone somewhere might have slept with someone?


Sleeping with 5 guys is NO ONES business but her own and her exes (IF this happened)

She had a relationship with one of Kotaku's writers. The whole thing was started by one of her ex's who was angry about her new relationship and alleged that she got free press from the relationship. The Kotaku writer in question never reviewed any of her games nor published any articles about her games. He's also

Ashley Phoenix-Claw: "Hey #GameOnSVU I've been sexually assaulted/physically abused so I know how that works... #GamerGate doesn't do that. And hi, I'm a woman."

"Gaming culture." Oh lord, that gave me a hearty guffaw. Nerds are so serious.

Also we just threaten people with rape, we would totally never really do it though.

gamergate: we're offending that you implied we'd rape people but still LOL A GIRL GOT GANGRAPED LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL